
The occurrence of the global novel coronavirus pneumonia has once again sounded the alarm for us, and behind the epidemic is the urgent need to improve the level of national health literacy

Therefore, whether it is from the change of people's livelihood needs or the development of national construction, it is necessary to improve the health literacy of the people in a more important position.

A person's health literacy is not born, but needs to be cultivated. From the present point of view, there is a lot of room for the improvement of health literacy of Chinese residents.

On April 24, 2020, the Publicity Department of the National Health Commission released the 2019 national health literacy monitoring results, and the health literacy level of Chinese residents rose to 19.17%, 2.11 percentage points higher than that of 2018.

However, there is a big gap between the health needs of the people and the international community. According to the Opinions of The State Council on Implementing the Healthy China Action, by 2022 and 2030, the health literacy level of Chinese residents will be no less than 22% and 30%, respectively.

Improving health literacy requires mastering the basic knowledge of maintaining health.

First, master basic medical and health knowledge.

Master the basic medical knowledge of chronic disease prevention, infectious disease prevention, scientific medical treatment, rational drug use and mental health, which can not only improve the individual's ability to consciously prevent diseases, realize the transformation of individual health maintenance from passive to active, but also understand the limitations of medicine in health maintenance. To understand that individual behavior, lifestyle and social adaptation are more critical determinants of health, so as to better understand the responsibilities of doctors and individuals, enhance doctor-patient trust, and resolve doctor-patient conflicts.

Second, master basic first aid knowledge and skills.

Everyone has a responsibility not only to maintain their own health, but also to maintain the health of others as a person in society.

Learn basic first aid knowledge and skills, and be able to immediately rescue someone on the spot before the doctor arrives, and save others' lives in time.

At the same time, it can also establish a good social mutual aid fashion and reduce social indifference.

From the perspective of practical needs, mastering basic first-aid knowledge should become everyone's basic life knowledge and survival skills.

At present, the public still lacks first aid awareness, first aid knowledge, first aid skills and corresponding first aid equipment, which is an urgent need to make up for the shortcomings of health literacy training.

Third, continue to pay attention to and apply health knowledge.

Because of the lack of health knowledge and health literacy, some people have lost judgment on the deception of "fitness and health" in society and have entered the misunderstanding of credulous "divine medicine".

Improving health literacy, paying attention to and obtaining health information as a habit in daily life, and being able to correctly understand, identify and apply health information can help improve health care skills, improve the self-protection awareness of social members, detect some health care fraud, and reduce unnecessary health and economic losses.

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