Treatment plan and rehabilitation suggestions

In terms of living habits, we should do:

1.Minimize going out: Do not go out unless necessary, especially to crowded public places. If you need to go outside, be sure to wear a mask.

2.Maintain household hygiene: clean the living environment regularly and keep the indoor and outdoor clean and tidy. Garbage should be cleaned in time and Windows should be opened regularly for ventilation.

3.Healthy diet: Eat more vegetables and fruits to maintain a balanced nutrition. Avoid eating raw, cold, greasy, spicy and other irritating food. Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

4.Keep a good attitude: In the face of the epidemic, it is essential to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. You can listen to music, reading, painting and other ways to relieve stress and relax.

Iv. Treatment plan and rehabilitation suggestions

There is no specific drug that can completely cure COVID-19, but most patients can recover with symptomatic treatment and supportive care. For mild cases, home isolation and observation are usually recommended.

If you have symptoms such as persistent high fever and difficulty breathing, you should seek medical attention promptly. Severe cases may require higher levels of medical support such as oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation.

In the recovery phase, patients should pay attention to the following points:

1.Keep a good rest and rest habit: Ensuring adequate sleep and proper exercise will help the body recover.

2.Reasonable diet: eat more foods rich in protein and vitamins, such as lean meat, fish, poultry eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoid greasy, spicy and other irritating foods.

3.Regular review: According to the doctor's advice to conduct regular review to assess the physical recovery. In case of abnormal situation, medical treatment should be timely.

4.Psychological adjustment: In the face of psychological pressure and negative emotions brought by the epidemic, you can seek the help of professional psychological counselors to adjust.

To sum up, facing the challenge of COVID-19, we need the whole society to work together and take scientific and effective prevention and control measures to reduce the risk of infection. By understanding the characteristics of the virus,

knowing how it is transmitted,taking preventive measures, and recommending active treatment and recovery, we can better protect the health and safety of ourselves and others.

At the same time, with the continuous progress of science and technology and the improvement of the global health system, we believe that mankind will eventually overcome the challenge of the epidemic.
National CDC releases pertussis prevention and control plan

Pertussis is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by Bordetella Pertussis infection, which is a class B infectious disease stipulated in the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases.

In order to further scientific and accurate prevention and control of pertussis, timely detection and effective treatment of pertussis epidemic, and effectively safeguard people's life safety and health, this program is formulated.

Adhere to the principle of "prevention first, combined prevention and control, precise prevention and control, and rapid treatment", focus on the work requirements of "preventing infection, reducing severe diseases, and reducing deaths",

consolidate the "four responsibilities" and implement the "four early" requirements. Focus on key groups and institutions to strengthen vaccination and health education. We will carry out multi-channel surveillance and early warning,

strengthen epidemic analysis and risk assessment, timely detect and standardize treatment of cases, effectively handle clusters of outbreaks, resolutely curb the spread of pertussis, and minimize the risk of severe illness and death.

Etiological characteristics

Human is the only host of Bordetella pertussis, and the bacteria adhere to and colonize human respiratory epithelial cells. The pathogenicity of Bordeta pertussis is mainly related to various toxins and adhesins produced by it, such as pertussis toxin (PT),

filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA), adhesin (PRN), Fimbrium (FIM), etc. The optimum growth temperature of Bordetella pertussis was 35℃ -37 ℃, and it was difficult to culture in vitro because of its high demand for growth nutrients.

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