We are all cats of Pottingcourt

In the 1930s, Francis Pottenger, a scientist and physician, conducted a series of experiments feeding cats.

Some of the groups ate only fresh, natural food, while others ate processed food.

The first generation of cats did not yet show much difference, but from the second generation on, cats eating processed foods: less symmetrical body, more difficult to concentrate, more susceptible to disease, more allergies, more frequent fertility disorders.

Pottingcourt's experiment has been criticized for failing to recognize the importance of taurine to the cat's diet - as long as enough taurine is added to processed food, cats will not become uglier with each generation.

But when cat nutrition did not reach the "height of taurine", Pottingcourt's conclusion was correct: the cat should be fed natural food rather than processed food, otherwise the cat's body will not get its real needs, and its "unhealthy" will be inherited and accumulated from generation to generation.

Look at us: more and more people have allergies; Increasing rates of infertility; More and more people are getting "incurable diseases" like diabetes and multiple sclerosis at younger and younger ages.

As our chins get smaller, more of us will need wisdom teeth removed in the next generation, and more in the next; Our facial symmetry is getting worse and worse, so much so that it's becoming more and more common for our eyes to be significantly different sizes...

Think about animals that are out in nature, that eat their natural food?

Think of the monkeys and orangutans you see in documentaries, and if you look at the mugshots of people from primitive tribes...

Similarly, when human nutrition has not reached a high enough level, people should only eat foods that are natural to people, otherwise our bodies can not get what they really need, and there will be a phenomenon of "generation is not as good as generation".

As for tens, hundreds, or thousands of years from now, when we have attained complete human nutrition, the "unnatural food" produced by man will of course be able to satisfy the human body's needs completely, and even better than the "natural food"... But that day is a long way off...)

We are all cats at Pottingcourt, and we are breeding the next generation of cats. Talking about health with these cats is like talking about cold with cicadas or heat with polar bears - "cold is when the air is forced to dewy in the early morning" and "heat is when the sun is on the horizon all day."

No, we have lost too far, and what we understand and experience as "health" is only the poor consolation of "nothing has happened yet."

Health is not a step back, but the expedition after the return.

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