How to treat chronic pharyngitis according to syndrome differentiation

The throat, connected to the nasal cavity and mouth, and the lower airway and esophagus, is the only way for breathing and digestion. Because of the importance of its position, it is known as "fortress".

The throat is also connected to the outside world, and seasonal changes, environmental changes, and the alternation of hot and cold will affect our throat. Pharyngitis is a high incidence disease in modern people.

Pharyngitis belongs to the category of "throat arthralgia" in Chinese medicine, which refers to the diseases with red swelling and pain of the pharynx, or dryness, foreign body sensation, or discomfort of the pharynx, and unfavorable swallowing as the main clinical manifestations. The term "throat impediment" first appeared in the Neijing.

"Throat department heart Law" records: "where the red and swollen invisible bi, tangible is a moth", but in general, the concept of "throat BI" in ancient medical books has been more general.

Modern TCM otolaryngology department has gradually unified the concept of "throat arthralgia", which refers to acute and chronic pharyngitis.

The formation of the disease, due to careless living, lung health is weak, causing wind and heat evil poison invasion, from the mouth and nose and straight into the throat, so that the pharynx red swelling pain and wind and heat throat arthralgia.

In the case of deficiency cold, the evil of wind cold is in the fur, the internal response is in the lung and obstructed in the throat, which can be manifested as wind cold throat impediment.

Chronic pharyngitis TCM syndrome differentiation treatment effect is significant, such as mild symptoms can also wheat asparagine, fat sea, chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, green fruit each 5 grams, boiled water brew tea drink, can also use one or two taste of medicine combined with water brew tea drink.

Acute and chronic pharyngitis can be taken. The recovery cycle of chronic pharyngitis is long, and it is possible to use drugs for a long time, but pharyngitis still occurs repeatedly.

So the treatment of chronic pharyngitis in addition to medication, but also improve the usual habits. The lifestyle and living environment of modern people, especially those living in the city, most of them will have irregular daily life, work fatigue, mental tension, resulting in the decline of physical immunity; There are many particles in the air, especially in the dry season of autumn and winter, which is easy to stimulate the upper respiratory tract.

In terms of living habits, smoking, drinking, like to eat spicy, too cold and overheated food, will cause irritation to the throat.

Teachers, telephone operators, hosts of this kind of occupation, due to the usual use of voice more, resulting in a long-term throat in a state of fatigue and congestion, but also prone to chronic pharyngitis.

The onset of pharyngitis is generally believed to be related to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms. So if you encounter pharyngeal discomfort, use anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.

Acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis are indeed related to the excessive proliferation of bacteria in the pharynx, and antibiotics are understandable.

But now the abuse of antibiotics, is indeed chronic pharyngitis treatment of the "disaster area."

Most normal people have bacteria in the pharynx, but they are not pathogenic.

In patients with chronic pharyngitis, the root cause of various discomfort symptoms in the pharynx lies in the pathological changes of chronic inflammation of the pharynx mucosa, such as congestion, swelling, hypertrophy, lymphoid follicle hyperplasia, increased secretion, or mucosal dryness, thinning, atrophy, reduced secretion, etc.

Even if antibiotics are given, they can only inhibit or kill pharyngeal bacteria, can not eliminate the original lesions, and pharyngeal discomfort will not be significantly reduced.

Moreover, if the long-term, repeated use of such drugs can cause bacterial resistance, or bacterial imbalance, and even damage other organs.

Therefore, the scientific treatment of chronic pharyngitis is particularly important.

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