How to recuperate chronic pharyngitis

Chronic pharyngitis refers to the diffuse pharyngeal lesions caused by chronic infection, mostly in adults, often accompanied by other upper respiratory diseases, often due to recurrent acute pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis pus stimulation of the pharynx, or nasal congestion and open mouth breathing, all of which lead to chronic pharyngitis. So how should we prevent chronic pharyngitis?

1, often open the window ventilation: to maintain air circulation, so that it is not easy to suffer from respiratory diseases, is an effective measure for the treatment of chronic pharyngitis.

2, pay attention to oral hygiene: eat more fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C, as well as things rich in collagen and elastin, such as pig feet, fish, milk, beans, animal liver, lean meat and so on.

Pay attention to personal hygiene and wash your hands frequently. Morning and evening can use light salt water gargle, mouthwash may wish to drink a cup of light salt water, can clean and wet the throat, prevent bacterial infection.

3, pay attention to keep warm, prevent and cure oral and nasal diseases: chronic pharyngitis is related to the mouth and nose, the body does not pay attention to keep warm.

Therefore, when sleeping in the room temperature is not too cold; Dry your body and blow dry your hair immediately after showering or shampooing; Wear a mask when you go out or ride a bike in the cold morning, so that your mouth and nose are not stimulated by dry cold air.

4, dietary rehabilitation: light and easy to digest diet is appropriate, and then assist some refreshing fire, tender and juicy food intake.

Drink plenty of water and cool drinks, but not too strong. Avoid tobacco, wine, ginger, pepper, mustard, garlic and all spicy things.

5, Drink more water: This is the golden rule that can not be forgotten at any time.

In addition, fumigating the throat with salt water is also a good way to relieve the condition.

Use a large bowl or soup bowl, put more boiling salt water, open your mouth wide to inhale and exhale into the steam, about 10-15 minutes at a time, 2-3 times a day.

6."Meditation" therapy: Two hands gently on the thighs, two eyes slightly closed, tongue against the palate, calm the mind, natural breathing, meaning to keep the pharynx, mouth storage, wait for the body fluid full mouth, slowly swallow, so 15-20 minutes, then slowly open the eyes, with one hand thumb and the other four fingers gently knead the throat, natural breathing means to keep the hand, body fluid full mouth, slowly swallow, so press knead 5-7 minutes. Practice 2-3 times a day for 15-30 minutes.

7, strengthen exercise: should participate in more physical exercise, improve the body resistance.

Self-care methods of chronic pharyngitis:

1, maintain the appropriate indoor temperature and humidity, fresh air, is an effective measure to prevent and treat chronic pharyngitis.

The air in the room is dry and too cold, too hot, too wet can affect the defense function of the pharyngeal mucosa, causing dysfunction, pharyngeal paresthesia, and chronic pharyngitis over time.

Gargling and brushing in the morning, after meals and before going to bed can keep your mouth clean. At the same time, the prevention and treatment of oral and nasal diseases, the elimination of inflammatory lesions, the prevention and treatment of pharyngitis can not be ignored.

2, dietary maintenance, light and easy to digest diet is appropriate, and then assist some refreshing fire, tender and juicy food intake.

Such as oranges, mandarin oranges, pineapple, sugar cane, olives, pear, apple, etc., or drink more water and cool drinks, drinks can not be too strong.

Avoid tobacco, wine, ginger, pepper, mustard, garlic and all spicy things.

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