They scientifically demonstrated the source of the virus

This proposed programmatic principles for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, but also found the law. Since then, the Western Jin Gehong think that the epidemic disease is "poison gas", Sui Dynasty Chao Yuan Fang think is "good gas".

Jin Dynasty Liu Wandu thought that "hot disease", the warm heat from typhoid stripped out, and Zhang element did not agree with his approach, that the treatment of the epidemic with cold drugs sometimes cause the patient's body without Yang sheng Yin,

according to the zang-fu cold heat deficient-solid treatment. At the same time, Li Gao believed that the disease was "internal injury to the spleen and stomach". Zhu Zhenheng of the Yuan Dynasty admired Liu Wansu,

but suggested that it could be treated by "nourishing Yin and lowering fire". Wu Sexheng at the end of Ming Dynasty believed that the cause of infectious diseases was "qi", and the way of transmission was air infection and contact infection.

Ye Tianshi believed that febrile disease is feeling the warm evil, first invading the lung, and then "reverse transmission of the pericardium", that there are four stages of febrile disease infection, should be treated dialectically.

In the early Qing Dynasty, Liu Kui proposed that there were three kinds of diseases, namely warm, cold and miscellaneous diseases, which should be strictly distinguished in treatment. Wu Tang pointed out that the disease is divided into water and fire,

and should be treated with the syndrome differentiation of three jiao; Wang Shixiong believed that febrile disease has a new feeling and a difference between qi, and advocated cooling and clearing as the main treatment methods. With the passage of time,

people's theories and methods of treating diseases have become more and more scientific, their understanding has been deepened, and new scientific knowledge has been accepted by people.

When the epidemic first emerged, there was a lack of in-depth understanding of the novel coronavirus, and the prevention and control measures were not fully effective. But as scientific understanding has advanced,

professionals have come to understand the behavior of viruses. From the successful development of test kits, the rapid isolation of virus strains, to the continuous optimization of clinical treatment plans,

the implementation of a series of scientific methods cannot be separated from the scientific research of the majority of scientific research workers in China. Researchers have made continuous efforts to curb the spread of the epidemic by grasping the transmission mechanism and laws of the virus.

They scientifically demonstrated the source of the virus, identified the source of infection and the way of transmission, and closely tracked the mutation of the virus so that the government could timely study and adjust prevention and control strategies and measures.

This spiritual essence of respect for science is in line with the emphasis on science in traditional Chinese culture, and is the embodiment of the positive character of Chinese scientists.

In the process of fighting the novel coronavirus, all parts of the country have actively applied the power and means of science, and better observed the principle of "scientific prevention and control".

In the face of the severe and complex epidemic situation, it is crucial to carry forward the scientific and rational spirit, adopt scientific and effective methods, and improve the scientific level of prevention and control work.

During the fight against the epidemic,the reason why all localities and departments have contained the spread of the virus at the smallest cost is that they have adhered to classified policies, adapted to local conditions,

adopted different methods according to different circumstances, made timely analysis, acted quickly, prescribed the right medicine, and targeted prevention and control. In the phase of regular epidemic prevention and control,

the recurrence of the epidemic in Beijing, Xinjiang and other regions has been effectively controlled in a short period of time, the social order has been healthy and orderly, and the overall process of resuming work and production has not been affected, and it is indispensable to comprehensive, rapid and precise scientific prevention and control measures, which run through every stage of epidemic prevention and control.

Looking back at the history of fighting the epidemic for thousands of years, the Chinese people have a tradition of understanding the epidemic with scientific thinking, and adhere to the fine characteristics of preventing and treating the disease with scientific methods.

This trait, which has always been inherited, is being carried forward again today. The great Chinese people, in the process of constantly writing a new history, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, and with a scientific and dialectical spirit, continue to create new miracles as they forge ahead!Scientific prevention and control is the way to win

At present, to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control, we need to devote human, material and spiritual efforts, and the most urgent thing is to make good use of scientific weapons, so that scientific prevention and control throughout the whole process of epidemic prevention and control.

In the summer of 1854, a cholera outbreak in London took the lives of more than 10,000 people. At the time, it was believed that the disease was caused by a "miasma" generated by the river water. John Snow, a general practitioner in London,

finally proved scientifically that cholera was spread by ingesting contaminated water.

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