Blue light is the number one killer of baby vision

Expert analysis pointed out that children's cornea and conjunctiva surface layer are more delicate, the blue light contained in the bath can pass through the cornea and lens to contact the retina, the baby's lens can not filter the blue light, resulting in irreparable damage to vision.

In fact, there are many light sources that can emit blue light in life, including flash lights, sunlight, and other fluorescent lamps, LED displays, etc., may cause damage to children's vision.

It is worth noting that some parents like to sleep with the night light on for the convenience of taking care of their children at night, but they do not know that this is also detrimental to the baby's vision development in the long run.

Blue light is the 'number one killer' of baby vision

In life, many people know that ultraviolet and infrared rays will cause damage to the child's eyes, but in fact, because ultraviolet and infrared rays are usually absorbed by the cornea and lens, generally do not contact the retina, so it is not the "number one killer" of the baby's eyes.

In the visible light, there is a high energy visible light - blue light, will pass through the cornea and lens and contact the retina, causing incalculable damage to the baby's eyes.

There is blue light in the flash of the camera, the light emitted by the shower, and the sunlight.

Experts pointed out that blue light will accelerate the oxidation of cells in the macula area of the retina, and excessive exposure can even damage visual cells.

If the macular area is exposed to blue light for a long time, it will increase the risk of macular degeneration in the eye in old age, and can even cause permanent vision damage.

As a parent, it is especially important to note that the lens of the human eye gradually turns yellow with age, and the yellowing process helps filter out blue light.

However, because the lenses of infants and toddlers are very clear, they cannot filter blue light as effectively as adults.

Sleeping with a night light on can damage your baby's vision

There are many young people who have just become parents, in order to facilitate the care of the baby, keep the light on at night, but they do not know that this practice makes the child passively accept "light pollution" after falling asleep.

Too bright too strong light in sleep, not only affect the immunity, but also cause damage to the baby's vision.

Ophthalmology experts believe that 0-3 years old is a key period for the development of baby's eye vision, and the light and dark stimulation of the eyes should be appropriate during this period.

The most critical point is that during sleep, the baby's eyes can not be stimulated by light, because the light in sleep may affect the ciliary muscle of the child, which can easily cause retinal damage and affect the normal development of its vision.

Nowadays, mobile phones are not a new thing for primary and secondary school students, and the functions of mobile phones are more widely used in their hands. QQ, reading e-books, playing games have become many children's entertainment, but a survey from major hospitals shows that mobile phone reading has become a major "killer" that damages children's eyesight. The doctor said that the mobile phone screen is small, the word is also small, and it is easy to cause visual fatigue for a long time, especially for teenagers whose vision is not yet mature.

"i products" such as iPad use advanced IPS screen technology, but the LED backlight will make the brightness of the iPad higher, the pupil will continue to contract to adapt to the change of the light source, and the ciliary muscle that regulates the pupil will remain tense.

At the same time, due to the constant flashing of the electronic screen, the ciliary muscle of the eye must move frequently. The ciliary muscle is not relaxed for a long time, high tension, so that the lens over-flexion, increase the diopter, a long time can lead to ciliary muscle spasm, resulting in regulatory myopia. If it is not prevented in time, it will soon become true myopia.

Dark green vegetables can help protect the eyes

So, how can we protect our baby's vision in life? First of all, in daily life, parents should pay attention to let the baby avoid sunlight, flash and other direct eyes, to avoid the baby to sleep under strong light.

Secondly, we should pay attention to start with eating habits and supplement dark green vegetables rich in lutein. Relevant studies have shown that lutein is a key antioxidant beneficial to eye health, they are highly concentrated in the macular area of the retina of infants and young children, can effectively protect the retina from blue light damage, for infants and young eyes play a barrier role. In addition, lutein, as an antioxidant, can also effectively protect the retina from oxidative damage.

Infants and young children should pay attention to the intake of spinach, kale and other dark green vegetables. In addition to lutein, vitamin A, DHA, AA, etc., are also essential nutrients for the healthy development of baby's eyes. Foods rich in vitamin A include eggs, cheese, etc. DHA is more commonly found in mackerel, salmon and other fatty fish and shellfish food; AA is commonly found in meat, poultry and eggs.

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