What food do you often eat to have good vision

What food do you often eat to have good vision

Foods Rich in Vitamin A Vitamin A is an essential trace element for keeping your eyes healthy. Without vitamin A, you get night blindness. The best food source of vitamin A is a variety of animal liver, cod liver oil, fish eggs, poultry eggs and so on. In addition, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, amaranth, alfalfa, sweet potato, pumpkin, green pepper and other vegetables contained in the vitamin A can also be converted into vitamin A in the human body.

However, vitamin A supplementation should not be rushed, otherwise excessive intake of vitamin A may lead to vitamin A poisoning.


Spinach can prevent eye diseases. A carotenoid found in spinach called lutein may protect against cataracts and macular degeneration.

Fruits rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C can scavenge free radicals that can cause damage to the eyes, so you should increase your intake of vitamin C-rich foods such as kiwi, oranges, lemons, goji berries, and hawthorns. In addition, fresh vegetables such as bell peppers and tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C.

Soybean products

Soy products contain essential fatty acids, plant estrogens, vitamin E and so on, which are good for the eyes. Soy milk, soy beans, soy cheese and other soy products and olive oil, cereal and other foods rich in vitamin E, are good for eye health.

Garlic and onion

Garlic is an excellent food for improving eyesight. The sulfur in garlic stabilizes the lens and makes it more resilient. In addition, Onions, which are rich in sulfur, are also very good for your eyesight.


The vitamin A contained in apricots can reduce the damage caused by free radicals to the eyes and delay the aging of the eyes. In addition, apricots also contain some carotenoids that can improve vision, which is very good for the eyes.


Substances such as cysteine, sulfur, lecithin, amino acids and lutein in eggs can effectively prevent the production of cataracts and protect eye health.

Salmon and sardines

The omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon and sardines are very good for vision. They suppress free radicals in the eyes, prevent the formation of new blood vessels, and prevent inflammation in the lens.


Broccoli contains lutein and zeaxanthin can protect eye cells from free radical stress, improve vision and prevent the development of cataracts.

Dark chocolate

The flavonoids in dark chocolate protect blood vessels in the eye, which can make the cornea and lens healthier. Only pure dark chocolate can achieve this effect.

High calcium food

Calcium-rich foods, mainly milk and its products, shellfish (shrimp), bone meal, beans and soy products, egg yolks and dark green vegetables. At the same time, we should also pay attention to animal liver, green vegetables and other foods rich in vitamin D to increase the absorption and utilization of calcium.

Chromium containing food

Chromium mainly exists in brown rice, wheat bran, animal liver, grape juice, kernel content is also relatively rich.

Zinc containing food

Foods containing more zinc are oysters, meat, animal liver, eggs, peanuts, wheat, beans and so on.

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