Drinking too much carbonated drinks affects your eyesight

In daily life, we may still have some misunderstandings on the prevention and control of myopia, and tell you what is the secret of preventing and controlling myopia.

Eating carrots does not prevent myopia

Can eating carrots prevent myopia?

The answer is no. The biggest nutritional feature of carrot is that it is rich in carotene, of which β-carotene accounts for about 85% and α-carotene is below 15%.

It plays a variety of health-beneficial roles in the body: anti-oxidation, immune regulation, inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells. It's true that carrots are good for your eyesight. Because the beta-carotene in carrots can be converted into vitamin A in the body, but this does not prevent myopia.

Can carbonated drinks aggravate myopia? The answer is "to the heart". Experts said that drinking carbonated drinks can not only cause a decline in physical fitness, but also cause the degree of myopia to deepen.

If you often drink carbonated drinks, the calcium in the body is reduced, resulting in a decrease in the content of calcium in the sclera, so that the eye wall loses the normal elasticity, the eyeball is easy to be elongated, so that the degree of myopia is increased too quickly.

Can nutrition balance prevent myopia degree deepening? The answer is yes. Studies have found that most short-sighted people also lack trace elements such as zinc and chromium in their bodies.

In addition, excessive consumption of sugar reduces the amount of protein 3, a growth factor in the body, which is an effective substance in inhibiting the growth of the eyes.

Teenagers should eat more animal brittle bones, beans, shrimp, eggs, peanuts, dates and other foods with high calcium content, and drink less carbonated drinks, especially cola drinks.

This will ensure the daily intake of calcium, while strengthening the body, but also slow the deepening of myopia.

Outdoor exercise is a secret recipe for "eye candy"

When you spend a lot of money for children to buy blue light glasses, myopia correction equipment may not think of, the most simple and effective "eye" way is around you.

According to the guidelines, proper outdoor exercise can not only improve children's health, but also play a key role in the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents. Full exposure to sunlight during the day can not only prevent the occurrence of myopia, but also play a role in controlling the development of myopia for children who have developed myopia.

What do you need to pay attention to in outdoor sports?

  1. Children should minimize close contact with others and avoid groups when they are outdoors.

  2. When children do outdoor activities, especially young children should be accompanied by adults in outdoor activities. At the same time, parents should pay attention to children's hygiene, especially hand hygiene. Be sure not to touch your child's mouth and nose with your hands.

  3. Children should not spit when exercising outdoors. When sneezing and coughing, they should cover their mouth and nose with tissues and elbows.

  4. After going home, take off your coat and wash your hands in time. In the case of such safety measures, it is very beneficial for children to have outdoor activities.

Large screens are preferred for electronic products

There are many electronic products on the market that can provide children with online classes, mobile phones, tablets are small and portable, TV, desktop computer screens are larger, which one is the least harmful to the eyes? The answer is in the newly released "guidelines" : Choose large-screen electronics whenever possible, prioritizing projectors, TVS, desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones.

At the same time, pay attention to the eye distance, when using the projector, the viewing distance should be more than 3 meters; When using television, the viewing distance should be more than 4 times the diagonal distance of the screen; When using a computer, the viewing distance should be at least 50 centimeters (about an arm's length).

Electronic products should be placed away from the window and the direct light, the screen side to the window to prevent the screen reflection to stimulate the eyes. Electronic products with high screen resolution and suitable clarity should be selected. When placing electronic products, ensure that the top of the screen is level with the horizontal line of sight of the eye, and adjust the brightness until the eyes feel comfortable, not too bright or too dark.

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