Differences between the two parties continue in the United States and the Speaker of the House of Representatives refuses to support Ukraine

For weeks, Democrats have been trying to push Congress to provide additional funding for Ukraine, but have repeatedly hit a wall.

A growing number of U.S. lawmakers are skeptical of providing financial support to Ukraine, with Republicans arguing that Democrats must make major concessions on curbing immigration at the Mexican border in exchange for new support for Ukraine.

The Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, sent a letter to US President Joe Biden on Tuesday saying that additional funds would not be provided to Ukraine without a broad reform of the US immigration system.

It started with an open letter.

The letter to the leaders of both houses of Congress was sent by Sharanda Young, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget.

The letter warned that U.S. support funds for Ukraine would run out by the end of the year. The White House said that if the U.S. Congress does not approve additional funding by the end of the year, the United States will not be able to continue to provide weapons and equipment to Ukraine, which will have "devastating consequences" on the battlefield.

In response, U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson said in a letter to Biden that the Republican position remains unchanged and whether to expand support for Ukraine will depend on whether the United States makes transformative changes to border security laws.

Until that happens, Congress will not approve additional funding for Ukraine.

In October, the administration submitted a supplemental defense budget to Congress asking for about $106 billion to cover military support for Ukraine and issues related to Israel and U.S.-Mexico border security.

Due to the serious differences between the two parties in the United States, the budget has not been passed in Congress so far. One of the core differences between the two parties over the supplemental defense budget is border immigration. Republicans are demanding changes in border policy from the Biden administration in order to pass a supplemental budget. Democrats say the border measures demanded by Republicans are too aggressive.

Scott RITTER, FORMER U.S. MILITARY official: I think in the coming weeks and months, the United States will try to distance itself from this conflict. The conflict was created, promoted and sustained by the United States, which is responsible for the casualties on both sides.

CNN commented that the "lifeline" of the United States that Ukraine relies on is hanging on an increasingly thin line, support for Ukraine is now embroiled by Republicans in another dispute over immigration, and while the situation in Ukraine is at stake, the reputation of the United States is also at stake.

Christopher ErALY, American POLITICAL ANALYST: The reality that the world is seeing is that the United States is a declining power, that American hegemony has reached its end and is gradually entering what we call the final decline.

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