What happens when you eat blueberries every day

In recent years, as a fruit with high nutritional value, more and more blueberries have entered people's lives. For many people, there's nothing more satisfying than grabbing a handful of fresh blueberries and dropping them into your mouth while you're walking. Recently there was a trending search about what happens when you eat a box of blueberries a day. Many people say it eases the thyroid, whitens the skin, and improves vision. Is any of this true?

What are the benefits of blueberries?

The nutrition of blueberries, we usually mention two - anthocyanins and vitamin C. Blueberry vitamin C usually has 10~34 mg / 100g, the highest is only 34 mg / 100g, this content in the fruit and vegetable industry can only be considered a medium level, than strawberries, kiwi, jujube and so on are actually less.

The antioxidant capacity of anthocyanins is very strong, data show that different varieties of blueberries, the nutritional composition will be different, the highest can be more than 400 mg / 100 grams. This is actually quite rich in the fruit and vegetable world.

Relieve the thyroid?

Some netizens say that eating blueberries can ease the thyroid gland. Thyroid function can be affected in many ways, such as:

  1. Hyperthyroidism is hyperthyroidism, and the common symptoms are increased appetite, excessive sweating, tremor, and sleep difficulty.

  2. Hypothyroidism is hypothyroidism, the common symptoms are fatigue, lethargy, constipation, muscle weakness and so on.

  3. Goiter is an irregular growth of the thyroid gland, which may appear as an overall enlargement of the thyroid gland, or as irregular cell growth leading to the formation of one or more lumps (nodules) in the thyroid gland.

  4. Thyroid nodules are caused by one or more abnormal mass structures in the thyroid due to genetic, environmental and other reasons, and the etiology is complex, which has not been completely clarified.

To ease the thyroid, there are indeed some studies that suggest that blueberries contain vitamin C, which helps promote thyroid health. However, among fruits, blueberries are not particularly rich in vitamin C. And while vitamin C is a healthy nutrient, it has no specific effect on the thyroid gland.

If there is really any thyroid function disease, eating a healthy diet and eating blueberries is OK, but it is still necessary to follow the doctor's advice and take medicine reasonably regularly.

Whitening skin?

Some netizens say that blueberries can whiten skin. Mainly because it is rich in vitamin C and has good antioxidant activity, it can inhibit tyrosine from being activated, so that tyrosine will not become melanin, which can play a role in whitening.

There is some truth to this, but the evidence is not particularly strong. However, vitamin C is also the synthetic raw material of collagen, which is good for the skin. So, it can be argued that vitamin C supplementation may have some benefits for the skin, but the whitening effect may not be as effective as you expect. Want to whiten, or do a good daily sunscreen.

Moreover, vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin C, usually pay attention to eat more vegetables and fruits can.

Will your vision get better?

Some netizens say that eating blueberries has good eyesight. Mainly because of the anthocyanins it contains. Some studies have found that anthocyanins can promote the growth of retinal pigment epithelial cells, suggesting that it may also have a potential role in protecting vision.

However, the current evidence on the benefits of anthocyanins on vision is not sufficient, and blueberries do not prevent or treat myopia. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has reviewed health claims related to another anthocyanin-containing fruit, blackcurrant, and concluded that the evidence for health claims that it "improves vision and promotes dark vision" is insufficient.

Would you like some blueberries?

As a fruit, blueberries have the advantages of fruit, but also have their own characteristics, taste is also good, if you like to eat, of course you can eat. But if it's because you believe in blueberries' exaggerated health benefits, don't hold your breath.

In fact, at present, the various health effects of blueberries are basically derived from the "antioxidant" of its anthocyanins, and there is no direct clinical trial data. Moreover, the health claims are overstated.

The more anthocyanins you take, the better. Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants that protect the body from free radical damage. But too much anthocyanins will also hinder the absorption of minerals, anemia, zinc deficiency people had better not eat too much anthocyanins. People with poor gastrointestinal tract are not recommended to eat too much.

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