Does repeated nose bleeding indicate leukemia

In some movies and TV plays we can always find such a bridge: the protagonist of the frequent occurrence of nose bleeding but did not pay attention to, and finally to the hospital a check accidentally found himself with leukemia. So, does repeated nose bleeding necessarily indicate leukemia? What other diseases or conditions can cause nosebleeds?

These conditions in life can cause epistaxis

First, understand why your nose bleeds. Our nose is mainly composed of the connecting nasal passages, the four surrounding sinuses (frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary), and the nasopharynx at the back. The nasal cavity is divided in two by the middle of the nasal septum, and becomes one at the nasopharynx. The whole nasal cavity is covered with mucous membrane, and there are blood vessels in the mucous membrane, and if the mucous membrane is damaged, it will often cause nasal bleeding.

Can the nose bleed repeatedly be leukemia? It is not possible to directly determine whether it is leukemia from the symptom of nosebleeds alone. Leukemia can cause bleeding or manifest as nosebleeds. But in addition, there may be fever, anemia, lymph nodes, liver and spleen enlargement, bone and joint pain and many other symptoms.

At the same time, in People's Daily life, patients with nasal septum deviation and allergic rhinitis are prone to epistaxis due to dry nasal cavity, nose picking, nose rubbing and other factors. Nose bleeding can also occur in sensitive people when they wash their face. However, without the guidance of a doctor, purchasing and using ginseng, bird's nest, ejiao and other large tonic food at will may also cause nasal bleeding.

In addition, the baby's nasal mucosa is thin, capillaries are easy to expose, and nose bleeding is easy to occur when the air is dry, after exercise, and after a cold. In addition, younger children are easy to pick their noses with their hands, and some children put foreign bodies (such as toys, button batteries, etc.) into the nasal cavity without being seen by their parents, and the trauma and infection caused by foreign bodies or the corrosion of batteries can cause epistaxis.

Abnormal epistaxis consider these five diseases or causes

In addition to the more common causes of nasal bleeding in life, there are some abnormal bleeding phenomenon worth everyone's vigilance, this symptom may be a sign of some diseases.

Nasal and sinus diseases Such diseases can also cause epistaxis, and the degree of epistaxis is different, the diseases considered are different:

  1. A small amount of mucus with blood, old sputum with blood, considered as fungal sinusitis;

  2. back to the blood in the nose, fresh blood, to exclude nasopharyngeal cancer;

  3. A little repeated fresh blood in the nasal cavity, ranging from a small amount to a large amount, with the increase of age, more and more nasal bleeding, to exclude hereditary telangiectasia;

  4. There is pus and blood, the amount is not much, to rule out nasal and sinus cancer;

  5. Nasal mucus often has blood, the amount varies, more new blood, to exclude nasal malignant hemangioperioma, olfactory neuroblastoma, malignant melanoma, capillary hemangioma, etc.

A variety of clotting factors in liver disease are synthesized in the liver. When the liver function is seriously damaged, the synthesis of clotting factors will have different degrees of obstacles, resulting in coagulation dysfunction and easy bleeding.

Nasopharyngeal fibroangioma Little boy has a type of nasopharyngeal fibroangioma that can cause various degrees of nasal bleeding. The onset of this disease varies in age, from a few years to about 30 years of age can occur, most often in adolescents. Therefore, the boy must do nasal endoscopy to check and exclude nasopharyngeal fibroangioma.

Of course, girls with repeated nasal bleeding should also do nasal endoscopy to check and rule out other factors causing bleeding in the nasal cavity. Such as small blood vessel rupture, capillary hemangioma and other problems.

Patients who need oral anticoagulant drugs such as heart stents and radiofrequency surgery are prone to nose bleeding due to long-term oral aspirin, clopidogrel, warfarin, etc., generally because the small blood vessels in the nasal cavity are easy to rupture and bleed after the use of anticoagulant drugs. This situation requires a clinical assessment by the competent physician and a medical order.

The variety of food nowadays enriches our life and satisfies our appetite. However, some foods can easily cause nosebleeds. For example, children can not drink casually for a long time, can not often eat barbecue, chili, etc., because a large number of sugary foods can easily lead to excessive stomach acid, acid fog stimulation of the nasal cavity can also cause nasal bleeding.

This type of nosebleed goes to the hospital immediately

Can nose bleed be treated at home? Depending on the degree of nosebleed, the amount of bleeding in most patients will not be too large, mainly manifested as bloodline in the nose, which can be treated and observed at home. If the patient has a large amount of blood loss, continuous dripping, or even blood flow, they should go to the hospital in time. In addition, if you consider the possibility of nasal bone fracture and skull injury, you should go to the hospital in time.

In addition, if the patient's nose bleeding is fierce, or even blood flow, jet bleeding, can lead to hemorrhagic shock or even life-threatening (such as internal carotid artery rupture involving the cavernous sinus, advanced nasopharyngeal cancer, etc.), should immediately call the emergency phone, transport to the hospital. If clear fluid flows out of the nostrils after nasal trauma, it may be cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, and you should also seek emergency medical attention.

So under normal circumstances, how to deal with nose bleeding? When there is a small amount of bleeding, the thumb and index finger can press on both sides of the nose, and the local ice can be properly applied to reduce bleeding. If the nose can be stopped by pinching the nose with the thumb and index finger, it indicates that the bleeding is in the front of the nasal septum, and you can plug cotton or tissue into the nose to stop bleeding. When you press the nose wing to stop bleeding, you should take the lower head position, do not tilt your head back, so as to avoid blood entering the nasopharynx oropharynx, or even the throat, affecting breathing. Spit out the blood in the mouth in time, do not hold it, especially children.

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