What is a nasal furuncle?

There was localized elevation of the nasal vestibular floor, skin congestion, and no abscess at the top. No redness or swelling of the lips. There was no edema in the conjunctiva bulbar, normal undernail and no new organism found in the middle nasal canal on both sides, which may be a nasal furuncle.

Many people will think that boils is a very common disease ah, any part of the body on the skin can grow boils, why say alarmist, a small boil really can be life-threatening?

What is a nasal furuncle?

A nasal furuncle is a localized suppurative inflammation of the hair follicles, sebaceous glands, or sweat glands of the nasal vestibule, tip, or alar.

What are the clinical manifestations? The initial manifestations are suppurative inflammatory manifestations such as redness, swelling, heat and pain at the tip of the nose or one side of the front nostril, and chills, fever, headache and general discomfort occur with the development of the disease.

Severe cases can cause infection of surrounding tissues, orbital and intracranial, and serious cases or improper management can be life-threatening.

What are the common causes?

  1. Bacteria are often attached to the deep nose hair of the front nostril. Bad habits such as picking the nose, pulling the nose hair, violently blowing the nose or strongly rubbing the nose tip can cause local skin damage, causing bacteria to enter and cause suppurative infection.

  2. When the nasal cavity or sinus suppurative inflammation, pus repeatedly stimulates the nasal vestibular skin, causing skin damage leading to infection.

  3. When fatigue, fire, tobacco and alcohol stimulation reduce the body's immunity, it is easy to lead to nasal vestibular bacterial infection and nasal furuncle.

Suffered from nasal furuncle how to treat?

  1. Local treatment, to keep the nose clean, for the local scab, with a disinfectant swab dipped in 3% hydrogen peroxide to clean the pus boil surface, and then apply anti-inflammatory ointment.

  2. Nasal furuncle abscess formation, will see a small yellow white "pus", at this time do not directly squeeze with the hand, should be in iodophor cotton swab disinfection with a sterile needle to break the pus, the pus plug out, apply the antibiotic ointment.

  3. Give sensitive antibiotics. If the pain is severe, analgesic drugs may be given. If you have diabetes, you should actively control your blood sugar.

  4. If symptoms worsen or a severe headache occurs, you should seek medical attention in time.

  5. If cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis is complicated, it must be hospitalized and given sufficient and effective sensitive antibiotics.

How can I prevent it?

In daily life, it is necessary to develop a good habit of picking your nose less, not pulling out your nose hair, and not blowing your nose too hard.

Stop smoking and drinking, avoid spicy and stimulating food, drink more hot water, eat light, avoid staying up late, pay attention to rest.

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