The correct sleeping position varies from person to person

Summer is coming, affected by the weather and other factors, many people will have a decline in sleep quality, listen to the doctor's recommendation to you, or can help improve this problem.

We spend about a third of our lives asleep, and "sleeping position" can partly determine the quality of sleep you get throughout the night, whether you're lying on your back or on your side.

At the same time, when suffering from different diseases or different physical states, choosing a more "favorable" sleeping posture is more beneficial to health.

Sleeping on your side is the right position for most people

Sleep left or right, everyone has a favorite. "Is it true that sleeping on your left side can crush your heart?"

"Since our heart is located on the left side of the chest, this may sound reasonable at first, but it's not."

In fact, the heart is perfectly protected by the rib chest, which can be easily crushed, unless the heart function is seriously damaged, otherwise most sleeping positions will not affect the heart.

As the saying goes, "Sit like a clock, lie like a bow", whether it is facing left or right, the side sleeping position is suitable for most people.

But there are exceptions. The following categories of people need to distinguish between lying on the left or lying on the right.

For women in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, the left side position is recommended:

A heavy uterus on your back tends to compress blood vessels, while a right-sided position may cause the uterus, which is already rotating to the right, to turn even more to the right, pressuring the right ureter, leading to ureter dilation and even hydronephrosis.

For patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, the left side position is recommended:

Lying on the right side reduces the elasticity of the esophageal sphincter, which is like a "cap" on the stomach. Once the elasticity is reduced, stomach acid will break through the constraint of the cap and rush toward the esophagus, causing reflux heartburn symptoms.

For patients with chronic heart failure, the right lateral position is recommended:

When the heart is in a relatively low hanging position on the left side, due to gravity, the return of blood volume increases, which may increase the cardiac load, and even induce acute heart failure in severe cases.

For people with gastritis and poor digestive function, it is recommended to lie on the right side:

The stomach is above the entire abdomen, and the position is left, for some people with stomach inflammation and low digestive function, it is recommended to take the right lying position, which helps the absorption and digestion of food in the stomach.

Sleeping on your back is beneficial for patients with cerebral thrombosis

Face up, limbs naturally relaxed, such a sleeping position seems very comfortable, but usually the level of the bed does not correspond to our physiological curvature of the spine. Dr. Zhu recommends choosing a pillow with the right height and a soft cushion under the knee, so that the whole body has enough support, and the whole body muscles can fully relax and rest.

In addition, some people are especially suited to sleeping on their back.

People with cerebral thrombosis: when lying on the back, the pillow is best 5 cm high, should not be too high or too low, to ensure that the carotid artery is not compressed, so that the brain blood supply is sufficient, which is conducive to the recovery of the disease.

People with bad joints: From the perspective of joint health, supine sleeping is recommended. Because the supine position has the largest force area of the body, it is not easy to cause local oppression.

People with lumbar disc herniation: sleeping on your back can effectively relieve lumbar discomfort.

By the way, I should also tell you that sleeping on your back can avoid pressure on your cheeks, reduce the formation of skin wrinkles, and even prevent sagging breasts.

Sleeping on your stomach is the least recommended position

Although belly down is the sleeping position of most mammals, it is the least recommended position for humans. Prone position when the neck is tilted to one side, the spine is in a distorted state, the chest and abdomen are compressed to affect breathing, the back arches, the body is not only not relaxed, but also increased additional pressure, wake up, inevitably sore, dizzy fatigue, the more tired sleep.

But nothing is absolute. There are also very few special disease states, doctors will recommend to take the prone position of this awkward sleeping position, such as respiratory distress patients to take intermittent prone position, can improve lung ventilation function, conducive to sputum drainage.

For most people, the position after falling asleep is uncontrollable, normal people turn over an average of about 20 times a night, so don't be too entangled, try to choose the right sleeping position when falling asleep.

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