The prevalence of sleep apnea is increasing year by year

With the continuous development of sleep medicine, human understanding of the physiological role of sleep continues to deepen, adequate and high-quality sleep is necessary for energy recovery, immune regulation, memory integration, endocrine regulation, children's growth and development and other important physiological processes.

Sleep quality directly affects the quality of life, sleep disorders can directly damage health, induce a variety of serious diseases, and even life-threatening.

Snoring, the most common cause of sleep problems, is a serious health killer. Severe and irregular "snoring", medically known as "sleep disordered breathing", can cause repeated intermittent hypoxia during sleep, causing metabolic disorders in the body, resulting in a variety of chronic diseases.

Epidemiological analysis shows that the prevalence of sleep apnea is on the rise year by year, the latest data in 2016 show that the prevalence of this disease in men as high as 14%, an increase of 3.5 times in 20 years, the prevalence of women increased 2.5 times, to 5%, serious harm to human health.

Data show that the incidence of hypertension in patients with sleep apnea is 50% to 90%; 50% of patients with severe OSA had coronary heart disease, and nearly 30% of OSAHS patients experienced myocardial ischemia during sleep, which also increased the risk of stroke, especially ischemic stroke. Sleep apnea is closely related to a variety of chronic diseases, and statistical analysis in 2014 showed that OSA can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease 3.45 times, cerebrovascular disease 2.85 times, and fatal cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events 2.44 times. In addition, the incidence of diabetes in OSA patients is also significantly increased, and is directly related to chronic diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, arrhythmia, and respiratory diseases.

"Great treatment of uncured diseases" emphasizes that the focus of chronic disease management lies in "prevention", eliminating the risk factors that cause chronic diseases from the source, preventing the emergence of chronic diseases, so as to reduce the burden of chronic disease treatment of the people, and reduce the country's social and health economic expenditure on chronic diseases.

The damage caused by OSA is particularly severe in two groups of people.

The particularity of children is that they are in the process of growth and development, sleep disorders can significantly affect their physical development and intellectual development, long-term open mouth breathing can not be corrected in time will cause the development of children's maxillofacial bones, resulting in irreversible results.

At the same time, the cause of sleep breathing disorders in childhood is relatively single, the treatment effect is accurate, and the medical investment is low, which can completely avoid a series of secondary problems caused by OSA in adulthood. The second group of people is the specific service occupation group, such as pilots, drivers and other passengers, healthy sleep is not only related to their own health, but also related to the safety of the public.

Epidemiological data show that the risk of traffic accidents in OSA patients is 2-7 times that of healthy people, and the risk of construction accidents is 2-3 times.

The data showed that nearly 75 percent of the population was overweight, 45 percent had poor sleep quality, and 10 percent had symptoms of sleepiness.

Epidemiological analysis shows that the prevalence of sleep apnea is on the rise year by year, the latest data in 2016 show that the prevalence of this disease in men as high as 14%, an increase of 3.5 times in 20 years, the prevalence of women increased 2.5 times, to 5%, serious harm to human health.

Data show that the incidence of hypertension in patients with sleep apnea is 50% to 90%; 50% of patients with severe OSA had coronary heart disease, and nearly 30% of OSAHS patients experienced myocardial ischemia during sleep, which also increased the risk of stroke, especially ischemic stroke. Sleep apnea is closely related to a variety of chronic diseases, and statistical analysis in 2014 showed that OSA can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease 3.45 times, cerebrovascular disease 2.85 times, and fatal cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events 2.44 times.

In addition, the incidence of diabetes in OSA patients is also significantly increased, and is directly related to chronic diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, arrhythmia, and respiratory diseases.

Sleep is an active process of the human body, which can restore the spirit and relieve fatigue. Adequate sleep, a balanced diet and proper exercise are three internationally recognized health standards. With the continuous development of sleep medicine, people's understanding of the physiological function of sleep is deepening, and the important role of sleep in maintaining human health is gradually recognized and valued.

Adequate and high-quality sleep is necessary for energy recovery, immune regulation, memory integration, endocrine regulation, children's growth and development and other important physiological processes. Sleep quality directly affects the quality of life, sleep disorders can directly damage health, induce a variety of serious diseases, and even life-threatening.

The influence of sleep disease is deep and wide, and it has gradually become a social problem that needs to be solved urgently.

Timely and effective treatment of sleep diseases not only directly benefits patients themselves, avoiding medication or late medication, but also significantly reduces the relevant investment in national health economics.

At the same time, we call on all walks of life to pay attention to children's sleep problems, solve the potential causes at the source, pay attention to the sleep problems of personnel in specific service industries, and improve national life and production safety.

Correct understanding of sleep, promote sleep health, away from sleep disorders, away from chronic disease!

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