Acknowledge and accept your fears and anxieties

Wash hands with running water, soap or hand sanitizer following the seven-step wash technique. When you come back from going out, after using the toilet before eating, after coughing or sneezing, you need to wash your hands promptly.

You can not wear a mask at home, and you need to wear a mask correctly when going out (completely covering the mouth and nose close to the skin). Do not touch the outside of the mask with your hands to avoid cross infection.

The proper way to wear a mask Environmental disinfection Disinfection and protection of the home environment in the following ways:

Open the window for ventilation at least twice a day for at least 30 minutes each time, while keeping warm.

Doorknobs, switches, tables, chairs, faucets and other places with high frequency of touch, wipe with 75% alcohol disinfectant, stay for 30 minutes and wipe off with water.

Tableware can be boiled with water for 30 minutes to disinfect, the water should be completely immersed in tableware.

Clothes can be disinfected by regular exposure to the sun for 4 hours, and other items can be wiped and disinfected with disinfectant.

The novel coronavirus not only harms people's physical health but also seriously impacts people's psychology. Therefore, to fight against the epidemic, we must take good physical and psychological protection. That is to say: both "saving lives" and "saving hearts".

Adjust the state of life, plan daily life

Design a good life and work plan during the epidemic, live regularly, make life full and improve the quality of life. Pay attention to daily diet and hygiene, properly carry out indoor sports, find trusted family and friends to chat, and contact through wechat, telephone and Internet.

Find hobbies and divert attention as appropriate

While paying attention to the epidemic, you can reasonably arrange daily activities such as sports, work, housework or leisure and entertainment to relax your body and mind, slowly calm down your mind,

and reduce unnecessary worries and worries. Do things that normally make you feel good. Think about what you can do to stay healthy. Use the free time you have at home to do things you don't have time for, such as reading a novel or watching a good TV show.

Reduce information input

Pay attention to official information, and watch less unverified rumors and negative news circulating in various wechat groups and friend circles. Do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, prevent being used by people with bad intentions, avoid increasing anxiety.

Acknowledge and accept your fears and anxieties

First of all, we must face our anxiety and fear emotions, in the face of unknown viruses, it is difficult to calm down. Because the new coronavirus is a brand new virus, there are great uncertainties,

and many people will feel that the virus is "everywhere" and difficult to prevent. Therefore, when we are in such a big event, as long as we are a social person, there will be some emotional reactions naturally,

it is very normal, do not feel that they are not too fragile, their willpower is not firm enough and so on such self-deprecation. Allow yourself to cry, allow yourself to have these emotions, don't be harsh with yourself.

Pay attention to positive messages and protect yourself

Maintain a healthy and positive mental state, master scientific methods to adjust emotional state and behavior, and actively cooperate with local governments and communities in epidemic prevention and control work.

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