Breathing first fast and then slow to help sleep

There are many people who have insomnia in their lives. Its causes are complex and diverse, physical discomfort (especially a variety of chronic diseases), alcohol and drug dependence and abuse, mental illness, environmental interference can be caused, but also with genetics, experience life stress events, excessive pressure, a variety of bad sleep habits.

Therefore, the treatment of insomnia should be considered in many ways, the following methods patients can try, from which to find their own way.

  1. Slow breathing.

Regular breathing, first fast and then slow (gradually slowing down the breathing rate), generally about 7 minutes can enter the state of deep sleep.

  1. Relaxation training.

Go for a walk outside before going to bed, relax yourself from the stress of the day by deep breathing, stretching, yoga, listening to sleep music and other relaxation training in dim light.

  1. Drink hot milk method.

Drinking a cup of sweetened hot milk before going to bed can increase insulin secretion and promote the secretion of sleep serotonin in the brain; At the same time, milk contains trace amounts of morphine-like substances, which have a calming effect and promote the human body to sleep peacefully.

  1. Music therapy.

Listening to plain, rhythmic sounds, such as trains running, crickets chirping, and dripping water, can set up sleep-inducing conditioning.

  1. Sleep restriction therapy.

Increase your nighttime sleep drive by banning daytime naps.

Strictly limit the time in bed to the time when you actually fall asleep, increasing the sleep pressure to promote the body to fall asleep quickly.

There is no need to worry too much about insomnia, the more nervous, forced to fall asleep, the more counterproductive, you can insist on practicing the above methods.

Patients should pay attention not to take medicine at will, should be under the guidance of the doctor to choose the appropriate drug.

  1. Recommended longan diet prescription

  2. Longan red date goji berry tea

Ingredients: 5 g longan meat, 2 red dates, 5 g wolfberry.

Preparation: Pitted red dates, together with longan meat, wolfberry into a cup, add boiling water for 10 minutes, put warm drink.

Efficacy: Tonifying blood, brightening eyes, nourishing skin care. It is suitable for blood deficiency, yellow face, dizziness, and body deficiency after menstruation.

  1. Changxia Xinpi Liangan Decoction

Ingredients: 20g longan meat, 50g fresh lotus seeds, 500g pork backbone, 3 pieces of ginger.

Method: Wash the above materials and put them in the casserole together, bring to a boil with high fire, turn off the medium low heat and cook for 1 hour, add salt to taste.

Efficacy: Tonifying the heart and spleen, calming the mind and intelligence.

Suitable for people: heart and spleen deficiency, common palpitation and palpitation, insomnia and dreams, forgetfulness, less food, abdominal distension, fatigue and other symptoms.

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