Is this menopause coming

40 years old + female menstrual disorders, insomnia, flushing fever, palpitations, night sweats, irritability, depression, bone and joint pain, this is to menopause? In fact, when menopause comes, the body will send relevant signals.

As you know, the symptoms of menopause can be as many as 100 kinds, covering all aspects of the body.

Menstrual cycle disorders Menstrual cycle changes are the earliest clinical symptoms of menopausal women, 65% of women will gradually prolong the cycle, shorten the period, reduce the amount of menstruation, and gradually stop menstruating.

Not only that, 10% to 15% of women will have a sudden onset of amenorrhea, menstruation no longer come; 10% to 20% of women will have irregular bleeding, the most prominent and most harmful manifestations are excessive bleeding and prolonged menstruation, and even anemia due to excessive blood loss.

Hot flashes and night sweats are the main manifestations of vasomotor dysfunction, which are unique symptoms of menopause and occur in 50% to 80% of women. The duration of the attack varies from tens of seconds to a few minutes, and the severe cases occur dozens of times a day, which has a great impact on women's sleep quality and quality of life.

Cardiovascular symptoms include palpitation, palpitation, chest tightness, dyspnea, and false angina pectoris. A small number of patients may experience fluctuations in blood pressure, and menopause hypertension fluctuates significantly throughout the day, rising and falling. Generally speaking, systolic blood pressure is mainly raised, which can be reduced to normal after rest, and sex hormone therapy is effective.

Psychoneurotic symptoms women due to the sudden reduction of hormones in the body will lead to mood swings, fatigue, depression, irritability, excitable, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, insomnia and forgetfulness and other symptoms.

Genito-urinary symptoms During this period, hormone levels drop, can lead to vulvar subcutaneous fat and vaginal wall thinning, there will be vulvar pruritus, vulvar pain, vaginitis, vaginal fever, irritation, pain (especially during sexual intercourse). In addition, the urethral mucosa and pelvic floor muscle function decline will also cause frequent urination, urgent urination, urinary incontinence and other symptoms.

Estrogen is a key hormone to maintain bone mineral content. Menopausal women lose bone mineral content at a rate of 3% to 5% per year due to decreased estrogen secretion due to decreased ovarian function. The first 5 years of loss is the fastest, and will last 10 to 15 years, accompanied by rapid loss of bone density, often feel back, joint, muscle pain and other symptoms. About 51.6 percent of women over the age of 65 have osteoporosis.

Menopause is a rite of passage for every woman, so what can we do to combat it? It is important to adjust your mind in advance to deal with menopausal syndrome. In addition, female friends can also be carried out from the following aspects

Pay attention to diet, eat less animal fat, eat more vegetables and fruits, avoid overeating, avoid tobacco and alcohol, high-quality protein is essential.

The body metabolism of menopausal women has gradually become catabolism, in order to compensate for consumption, maintain the needs of body tissue metabolism and repair, and enhance body resistance, more attention should be paid to the intake of high-quality protein.

Healthy exercise more exercise good mood, fast walking, jogging often adhere to, more exercise less sitting. Exercise methods can choose yoga, healthy stride, exercise time at least 3 times a week, at least 30 minutes each time.

Relieve the mood, prevent mental illness, mental illness, the impact of emotions on health can not be underestimated.

Menopause women mood ups and downs, more attention should be paid to adjust the mood, of course, family members appropriate guidance is also very important.

Check as early as possible and standardize the treatment of menopause seems to be a "troubled autumn", not only gynecological diseases, but also the high incidence of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, it is best for menopausal women to have a physical examination six months to a year, including sex hormone tests, gynecological examination, TCT, HPV, gynecologic ultrasound, breast ultrasound, bone density examination, blood biochemistry and thyroid function. If disease is detected, treat it as soon as possible.

Scientific supplement estrogen Wang Lin introduction, estrogen replacement therapy is the current treatment to relieve menopause syndrome of the first choice.

The root cause of menopausal symptoms is estrogen deficiency, so estrogen supplementation can combat a series of physical and psychological changes brought about by hormone reduction, if the symptoms are too serious, estrogen supplementation can be provided under the guidance of a doctor.

After years of practice, the correct application of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) can reduce the symptoms of menopause, and use in the early menopause can also prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases in old age.

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