Six food groups disrupt sleep

Eating is closely related to sleep, and the wrong choice of dinner or bedtime snack is likely to make you sleep poorly.

The researchers analyzed the relationship between their daily diet and sleep quality over a two-week period, and compiled a list of foods that could lead to insomnia and dreaminess.

  1. Wine.

Drinking alcohol before bed not only makes it harder to fall into deep sleep, but also makes it possible to have stressful dreams.

  1. Carbonated drinks.

Because carbonated drinks contain caffeine and sugar, you are more likely to have nightmares if you drink them before bed.

  1. Cookies and cakes.

The study found that 31 percent of participants who ate sweets such as cookies and cakes before going to bed reported having bizarre dreams.

  1. Pasta and bread.

Participants who ate pasta or bread before bed were more likely to have disturbing dreams.

  1. Potato chips, fried chicken.

These fatty foods can affect digestive function in many ways, making it difficult to sleep.

  1. Chili peppers.

In the study, students who ate spicy food before bed had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

Spicy foods can alter body temperature and lead to dream formation during REM sleep.

If you really want to eat spicy, you may choose to go to bed six hours.

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