What to save your sleep

You always have trouble sleeping? Having trouble sleeping? Nowadays, many people are deeply troubled by sleep problems.

Adjust the three factors to have a good sleep

Sleep plays an important role in the body's physical energy, immune regulation and emotional management. The brain will produce some "garbage" during the day, which needs to be discharged during sleep, and if the brain cannot enter sleep, it will affect health.

The three major factors affecting sleep, namely sleep motivation, circadian rhythm, wake system, master the rules of the three factors and do a good job of regulation, in order to get a good sleep.

First of all, to ensure enough sleep motivation, the longer you are awake, the stronger the sleep drive, the more you want to sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to not sleep in bed, do not make up sleep, and control the nap within 1 hour.

Going to bed early at night and lying until the early morning can't sleep, but it increases the time of "not sleeping" and destroys sleep motivation. For this reason, do not go to bed unless you are sleepy, and do not do anything unrelated to sleep in bed. If you want to check your phone, please sit and read it before lying down.

Secondly, respect the circadian rhythm and work and rest regularly. Modern people are affected by the blue light emitted by electronic screens such as mobile phones, televisions and computers, which inhibits the secretion of melatonin and delays the start time of sleep, but they still need to work and rest regularly. Therefore, do not willfully stay up late and stay in bed.

In addition, relax the mood and keep the arousal system stable. The most common types of anxiety that can cause stress responses and overarousal in everyday life are various kinds of anxiety.

To release pressure before going to bed, slow walking before going to bed, listening to music, etc., can let the body and mind relax.

The quality of sleep is judged by the length of sleep

Occupying a third of our lives, sleep is an absolute need, as essential as food and water. The three internationally recognized health standards are adequate sleep, a balanced diet and adequate exercise. The length of sleep varies from person to person, some people sleep 4 hours, some sleep 9 hours. Seven to nine hours of sleep is usually enough.

Judging whether to sleep well is not based on time, but on the state of the second day, the second day of energy and physical recovery, on behalf of sleep quality is good. Too little sleep, too much sleep is bad.

Sleep shows regular cyclical changes, normal people need a process to fall asleep, generally 10 minutes to 15 minutes, into the first sleep stage - light sleep, this stage is easy to be called awake. After 20 minutes to enter a sound sleep, more than 30 minutes to enter a deep sleep.

Many people wear bracelets to focus on deep sleep, deep sleep can secrete growth hormone, adults can restore physical strength. After deep sleep enters the stage of dreaming, 99% of people will dream, sleep, the brain can send signals to relax the muscles of the body, as the degree of sleep deepen, the muscles relax completely.

Common sleep mistakes

There are many misunderstandings about sleep in life, and the common ones are as follows:

First, if you didn't sleep enough the night before, the next day to catch up by napping, napping. Nap, nap will affect the second night of sleep driving force, may aggravate insomnia, if not make up sleep but the second night of sleep driving force is greater, sleep better.

Second, the more time you spend in bed, the more time you sleep, and the better you feel the next day. For insomnia, extending bed time, the increase is often not the time of sleep, but the awake time of tossing and turning, difficult to fall asleep, and will increase irritability and frustration, aggravate insomnia; Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the waking time and irritability when in bed.

Third, some people can't sleep, drink to help them sleep.

Drinking alcohol can help some people fall asleep earlier, but it will significantly increase the frequency of night waking and cause early waking, but will affect the total sleep time; And long-term drinking will increase the risk of high blood pressure, when the blood pressure rises suddenly, easy to cause hemorrhagic stroke.

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