Fear of social collapse one day! Us media: More and more Americans are lamenting the government and preparing to save themselves


A growing number of Americans fear and are preparing for social collapse one day.

This relatively small but growing group considers themselves "preppers" - people who are prepared to survive without government assistance in the event of a disaster.

These disasters can range from major storms to widespread looting triggered by discontent over election results.

Brad Garrett, an expert on preppers, said: "There is a general feeling of depression and fear of social disintegration.

They point to the looting, riots and protests as frightening."

Chad Huddleston, a professor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, said government inaction was the trigger that prompted a growing number of Americans to begin preparing for social collapse, indicating a loss of trust in government.

"They see things and feel that the government can't or won't help," he said.

A recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll found that 67 percent of Americans think the country is either facing bigger problems than usual or in the most chaos they've ever seen.

The poll surveyed 1,000 registered voters on landlines and cellphones Oct. 17-20 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

Experts say the preppers' move reflects broader concerns about the country's future. Some stored weapons and medical supplies in armoured bunkers.

Others urged their neighbors to stock up on enough food to survive for weeks or months without outside help.

Wagner, from North Carolina, said she has set aside a 90-day supply of food for her family of six. Wagner, who works for a nonprofit, runs a YouTube channel that advises young people and city dwellers on how to deal with unexpected disasters.

"In the face of great unrest, I wanted to stand out and calmly help people," she said.

If Wagner represents one end of the spectrum - a focus on community, interdependence, and cooperation - then retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Drew Miller represents the other.

He was prepared for the total collapse of society caused by war and nuclear explosions.

Miller's Fortitude Ranch has set up seven camps across the country.

In addition to storing food, propane and whiskey, the camps are equipped with solar panels, Wells and two-way radios, as well as many guns.

Brad Garrett, an expert on "preparers," said Miller's "Fortitude Ranch" reflects the idea that governments are inherently incompetent and that everyone is more or less on their own to deal with disasters.

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