Hot news of the week! The first community sports and health center in Yangpu was opened!


Yangpu District People's Government and the Department of Trade Promotion of Lao Ministry of Industry and Trade Economic and Trade Cooperation work promotion meeting and Lao economic and Trade cooperation exhibition Hall opening ceremony was held

On the morning of November 27, the Yangpu District People's Government and the Trade Promotion Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Laos 2023 Economic and Trade Cooperation work Promotion meeting and the opening ceremony of the Lao Economic and Trade Cooperation Exhibition Hall were held in Shanghai International Fashion Center. This is an important co-construction achievement after the Yangpu District People's Government and the Trade Promotion Department of the Lao Ministry of Industry and Trade signed the "Memorandum of Cooperation on Jointly Building a High-level economic and Trade cooperation Platform" at the Fifth CIIF on November 6, 2022, and will become an important carrier of the high-level economic and trade cooperation platform between Yangpu and Laos, promoting the cooperation between the two sides to a new level and open a new chapter.

Lao Vice Minister of Industry and Trade Manotong Ongsai, Zhou Hanmin, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and President of Shanghai Public Diplomacy Association, Xue Kan, Secretary of Yangpu District Party Committee, and Consul General of Laos in Shanghai Bopan Phuthaweng attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Director of the Department of Intellectual Property Rights (formerly the Department of Trade Promotion) of the Lao Ministry of Industry and Trade, Director of the Department of Trade Promotion of the Lao Ministry of Industry and Trade, Director of the Department of Trade Promotion of the Lao Ministry of Industry and Trade, Deputy Director of the Department of Planning of the Lao Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry of the Lao Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Kompe Bouto, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry of the Lao Province, Mitha, Vice Consul of Laos in Shanghai, Chairman Xu Guowu of the China General Chamber of Commerce in Laos, Vice Chairman Zhou Zhengyu of the Laos-China Business Cooperation Promotion Committee and other Lao representatives attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Zhou Haiying, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Yangpu District; Ge Hong, Chief Financial Officer of China International Import Expo Bureau; Luo Zhisong, Chief Economist of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce; Shi Fang, Deputy Governor of Yangpu District; Shan Pei, Deputy Mayor of Chuzhou City of Anhui Province; Yu Jianyong, Deputy Mayor of Huaihua City of Hunan Province; Guo Huiguang, Deputy Secretary General of Kunming City Government of Yunnan Province; Yao Lingzhen, Vice President of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; Wang Gang, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of China International Economic Consulting Co., LTD., and Zhu Yi, vice president of Oriental International (Group) Co., LTD., attended the event.

Xue Kan Zhou Rong participated in the theme Party day activities of the Party branch of the District Party Committee office

Municipal Party Committee fifth circuit supervision group deputy leader Ding Wei and related members participated.

The meeting of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee conveyed the spirit of the special consultation symposium of the Municipal Party Committee and the on-site spirit of the creation of national cultural relics protection and utilization demonstration zones

On November 24, the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee held a meeting to convey the spirit of the special consultation symposium of the Municipal Party Committee and the on-site spirit of the creation of the national cultural relics protection and utilization demonstration area. District Party Secretary Xue Kan presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

Xue Kan, Secretary of the District Party Committee and leader of the theme education Leading Group of the District Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhou Rong, Deputy secretary of the District Party Committee and executive deputy leader of the theme Education Leading Group of the District Party Committee, Jiang Daorong and Yu Haihong, Standing Committee members of the District Party Committee and deputy leader of the theme Education Leading Group of the District Party Committee participated in the meeting.

Meituan Beauty University Road limited time walking street activities held

At noon on November 25, "YOUNG Pu Love Life Beauty Group Winter Beautiful Color Festival" Meituan Beauty University Road limited time walking street opening ceremony was held in Chuangzhi Tiandi. Through online and offline theme activities, Meituan joined hands with University Road and local high-quality businesses to launch a new interactive game of "platform + block" and create a unique business card for the convenience of the people in Yangpu. Zhou Haiying, deputy secretary of the District Party Committee and district Governor attended the event, and Shi Fang, deputy district governor, delivered a speech.

At the opening ceremony, Zhou Haiying, Shi Fang and enterprise representatives held gold scissors and cut ribbons together, and the "YOUNG Pu Love life Beauty Group Winter Beautiful Color Festival" Beauty Group University Road limited time walking street activity officially kicked off.

2023 Yangpu District government and district Federation of Trade unions joint meeting held

On the morning of November 28, 2023 Yangpu District Government and the District Federation of Trade Unions joint meeting was held. Zhou Haiying, deputy secretary of the District Party Committee and District Governor, Dong Haiming, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, chairman of the Federation of Trade unions, and leader of the coordination group of the joint meeting between the government and trade unions, attended and spoke, and Wang Hao, deputy district governor, presided over the meeting.

The executive meeting of the district government carried out special learning on artificial intelligence and large models

On the afternoon of November 28, Zhou Haiying, deputy secretary of the District Party Committee and district governor, presided over the 66th executive meeting of the district government to carry out thematic learning around "artificial intelligence and large models". District leaders Ni Bing, Xu Jianhua, Shi Fang, Wang Hao, Wu Lei, Yu Yang, Li Qinan, Qi Keping participated.

Yangpu District held safety production and fire work conference

In order to implement the spirit of the national video conference on production safety and the relevant meetings in the city, on the afternoon of November 29, Yangpu District held a conference on production safety and fire protection. Zhou Haiying, deputy secretary of the District Party Committee and district Governor, attended the meeting and made a speech.

District Party Committee Standing Committee, deputy district governor Xu Jianhua, deputy district governor Shi Fang deployment of the next key work, deputy district governor Wu Lei presided over the meeting.

Achieve 3 100%! Demolish old houses and rebuild new ones, Fengnan is waiting for "Nirvana"
Recently, Gongjiang Road street Fengnan village gongs and drums, dragon dance pentium.

Residents and project staff gathered in front of the bulletin board of the community, jubilantly celebrating the renewal (demolition and reconstruction) project of Fengnan One village community to achieve "3 100%".

The first batch of community sports and health centers in China was opened in Yangpu

Recently, the first batch of community sports and health centers in Yangpu District, Yin Hang, Jiangpu, Kangjiang, Changbai, Wujiaochang and Changhai six communities officially launched.

Yangpu District, as the first batch of community sports and health center pilot areas, took the initiative to docking the healthy China strategy, explored the "1+5" pilot construction model, and innovatively created a set of "sports +" multi-departmental collaboration, national fitness and national health deep integration of the "Shanghai sample".

Yangpu added 16 pairs of sister schools in Shanghai and Hong Kong

Recently, under the guidance of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and sponsored by Yangpu District Education Bureau, Yangpu Education International Exchange Service Center, Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers, and Shanghai Hong Kong and Macao Exchange Program schools, the series of exchanges between Shanghai and Hong Kong and Macao Sister schools in Yangpu District were held in Kangjiang Ercun Primary School.

These neighborhood committees and community workers in Yangpu were honored

Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau and the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau issued the Decision on Recognizing the Advanced Grassroots mass Self-governing organizations and excellent urban and rural community workers in Shanghai. Three residents' committees in Yangpu District won the title of "Advanced grassroots mass autonomous Organizations in Shanghai"; 7 comrades won the title of "Outstanding Urban and Rural Community Workers in Shanghai".

People's livelihood

Yangpu two road water improvement works completed

Water on the road will affect the travel of the public, which is a nuisance to the people. Recently, Guangzhou Road (Yangshupu Port - Meizhou Road) road water improvement project and Jiutan Road (Meizhou Road - Huangxing Road) road water improvement project successfully completed.

Yangpu promotes the "15-minute employment service circle" to be effective

Recently, the awarding ceremony of the new landmark of employment service "15-minute employment service Circle" site was held in 228 neighborhood of Changbai, to realize the employment service of the people's "door" and effectively enhance the people's sense of security, happiness and sense of gain.

Yangpu's first district-level eugenic and eugenic guidance center was established

On the morning of November 25, Yangpu's first district-level eugenic and eugenic guidance center was established in Children's World Yangpu Kindergarten to provide the most meticulous care for the "softest group".

"Two-floor Co-construction" unlocked the new direction of community co-governance and sharing

Community micro-renewal is one of the important ways of community renewal. Jiangpu Road street with "beautiful community pioneer action" Yangpu "Dream • Enjoy • Home" project as an opportunity to integrate the surrounding resources, with the smallest public space transformation as a guide, to achieve a good effect of "co-governance and sharing".


Recombinant trivalent novel coronavirus vaccine (XBB) has arrived, Yangpu these places can be vaccinated
The new coronavirus vaccine is on! Recombinant trivalent COVID-19 vaccine (XBB) is available by appointment.

Come to Yangpu here to meet the autumn color, see the layers of forest

Early winter quietly arrived, the sunlight through the gap between the leaves, forming a dreamlike beam. Shanghai Gongqing Forest Park is like a fairy tale world, emitting a golden light.

4 new stores! These sites in Yangpu have improved the level of TCM services in multiple dimensions
There are good Chinese medicine "at the door"! Recently, Yangpu District added 4 new home medicine characteristic demonstration community health service stations.

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