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Two film works, two villains, in 2018, "Feng Shen trilogy" started, Fei Xiang played the well-known Shang king Yin Shou, not long ago after the film's starring list was announced, Fei Xiang ranked first, followed by Li Xuejian, Huang Bo, Yuan Quan, Chen Kun and many other heavyweight names, "the position" has become a hot topic for many people. "In fact, the focus of this thing is really not normal, but it doesn't matter, everyone can have their own ideas." I'm so happy right now, and I feel so good about going from a very small work, 'Lie.'"

High-functioning sociopath,

Very charming

Shang King Yin Shou is different from the previous two villains, he is a real person who has existed in history, and he is more well-known. Influenced by the "Romance of the Gods", when it comes to him, people will automatically hook him up with the "fox spirit" Daji, and label him as a "bad king" and villain.

"In the past, we liked to blame the king of the Shang on the fox demon's head, as if he was a fool, enchanted by beautiful women, and then started to do a lot of bad things, all the problems of bad women. "Honestly, it's time for this whole 'beauty and shame' thing to come to an end, and women are starting to stand up and say, 'Sorry, we don't want to take the blame for you guys anymore.'" Fei Xiang said.

This "Fengshen trilogy" does not repeat the old and stereotyped story, whether it is Yin Shou or Da Ji, there are their own character arc. In fact, Sima Qian's description of Yin Shou in Shi Ji Yin Benji does not deny his outstanding civil and military qualities and full of talent, which is not a black and white character.

"Yin Shou is a very ambitious man, but he is the second son, from ancient times to today, the second son is like a spare spare, he is never the most important, so Yin Shou has never been paid attention to by his father, he was sent to the battlefield to kill the enemy, he became a soldier, a very great military leader, but from another point of view is actually his father did not care about him. It doesn't matter if he gets killed."

It took a year and a half to play Yin Shou (all three films were shot together), and Fei Xiang feels that he "understands him, but does not forgive him", although this complex, villainous role is a long way from his own, but it is also the most dramatic and fascinating. Anthony Hopkins' Hannibal in The Silence of the Lambs is his favorite -- is he a villain or not? Yes and no, he was helping Clarice solve the case, but he also had his own demands and goals, and he was very clear that every step he took, every appearance would give the audience a sense of excitement that was both feared and desired.

Being attracted to characters with a villain color has become a "common human feeling", just like the incorrect joke that "three senses follow the five senses", but in Fei Xiang's view, the root of the obsession may not be in the five senses, but a dangerous personality. "Strictly speaking, this is a high-functioning antisocial personality, mainly 'high-functioning', and this person is very, very dangerous, and some of the most famous' villains' in history often have this personality, they are very clear about what they want, and will do anything to achieve it without considering anyone." But at the same time, they also have a great personal charm, you don't know where it comes from, but it just attracts a lot of fanatical followers. In reality, it's scary, but in writing, it's interesting and fascinating."

Shaping business Wang Yinshou, Fei Xiang will also see it as the owner of this personality - unhappy childhood, exceptional mind, full of aggression and action, after the initial reading of the script, Fei Xiang has a very strong desire to play, but at that time Wu Shan director just let him read the script, and did not clearly say who let him play, Fei Xiang also feel embarrassed to ask directly, And in the heart is ready to play who can play, but the director handed the role to him, "I was so happy that I could not say anything", in order to present the best interpretation on the screen, in addition to the role itself, the appearance of the beautiful Fei Xiang also made a hard work.

I never go out in the sun,

No sun at all

In order to star in the "Feng Shen Trilogy", Fei Xiang spent three months in preparation for the body, and in the next year and a half to continue to maintain the shooting time, this is the most tired, in order to withstand the pressure in the "fresh meat", maintain a good body, Fei Xiang, who was nearly 60 years old, sometimes need to get up more than 3 am, drink coffee, start fitness at 4 o 'clock, start makeup at 6 o 'clock. "It really kills me because I'm not a morning person." The actual effect, of course, is that everyone is very satisfied, "I feel very real, not the Marvel kind, of course, I can not do that degree, is very in line with the real age of the body."

Even after the end of the shooting, Fei Xiang still continued to exercise for a period of time, when he thought that he would soon start the promotion of the film, and the appearance could not be too different from the film. "Don't I have to make myself look valuable before I walk the red carpet? And walking down the aisle with those lads, you said it would kill you." As a result of the epidemic, he estimated that it should not be released for a while, and this began to eat dumplings at home.

In fact, this appearance at the age of 60 is also beyond the ordinary "real", during the interview Fei Xiang was wearing makeup, in fact, the makeup artist combed his bushy eyebrows and beard over and over again, did not put anything on the face, no obvious wrinkles, pores, spots, etc. We are not immune to wonder whether this handsome man with a medical background at Stanford University has any "anti-aging health secrets", and the conclusion is desperate --

"I have an expert friend who says that 80 percent of anti-aging is innate. You can only do the other 20 percent, but a lot of people don't want to accept that."

But Fei added: "But one thing I can say that I have been sticking to since I studied medicine is that I know the sun's damage to the skin, so I started to avoid the sun from a very young age, never sun, not at all." Even when he couldn't avoid the sun while filming, he would go under the umbrella immediately after the director called "cut".

Maintain a good state, mainly for work, image, voice state are very careful, 40 years down, Fei Xiang has been in a long-term diet in the state, a lot of things can not eat, so in many interviews he said that when he retired, he must eat a variety of high-calorie, not so healthy things, chips, ice cream and so on, there are a lot of people are a little worried about him: Old do not health but eat so, is not very harmful to health?

"I'm not worried at all, I'd rather die a big fat man." I've lived my life to the fullest, and you don't know how much time you have left to eat and play how you want. I hope I can at least enjoy life and have some freedom, even if it's worth it for a short time."

Separating the world of deduction from the world of self, retirement is only a choice, Fei Xiang said that he can easily walk away and return to the complete space that truly belongs to himself, which is very easy. Although for the audience, we do not want this day to come too soon (at least the three years of "Feng Shen Trilogy" is safe), but still respect and admire Fei Xiang's attitude towards life, that is waiting for him for a long time, only belongs to his good time.

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