Spanning 40 years and captivating three generations

Now King Zhou is more coveted than Daji?

"Who tempts whom? Can the little fox bear it?"

"They all envied King Zhou before, but now they envy the fox."

When Fei Xiang, the real actor of "Shang King Yin Shou", sat in front of him, the author wanted to ask him about his thoughts and comments on "the shape", so Fei Xiang began to talk about how Yip Jin Tim's intentions in clothing, props, and environmental design...

"Actually, I want to ask you what you think of the two loudest stills in the public before, is to compare... That..." (Wanted to say "bare breasts" but thought it was disrespectful......)

The public's collective memory of Fei began with the Spring Festival Gala in 1987, but Fei began acting in Taiwan in the early 1980s. In 1985, he starred in the film "Spring Beyond the Bamboo Fence", which was the only time Fei Xiang dyed his hair blond.

When asked about this work, Fei Xiangchang ———— sighed, "I generally don't want to play foreigners, because I don't think it is myself, but at that time I thought the script was good, Zhong Chuhong and Su Mingming are such two outstanding actresses, I especially want to cooperate with them, so I acted." In order to highlight the feeling of foreigners dyed blonde hair, but after I took a look at the finished product, I particularly regret, I do not like this shape. Later, I often find that when I read the script, I look one way, and when I shoot it, I look another way, and I am not willing to do the film."

"I just gave up on movies. I just gave up."

Without acting, Fei Xiang does not want to continue to be a packaged idol singer. The record company's strategy was to sign people as long as the voice condition was OK, hot and physical, and send them to the studio to record songs, which was not much different from today's practice, except that there was no way to use a computer to fix the sound.

The master tape of the recording is a huge disc, and sometimes the singer himself has to turn the disc, and if he does not sing well, he can only repeat it over and over again. Although there are such powerful musicians as Tan Jianchang (representative "Three hundred sixty-five Miles" and "Clouds in Hometown") to produce albums for Fei Xiang, he always feels that he is not professional.

After eight personal records, Fei Xiang simply went to the United States, went to Broadway, queued up for interviews with hundreds of people, asked the teacher to change his voice method, "I figure is this, figure is no one knows me, I can prove myself." I got into the original cast of Miss Saigon, and then Andrew Lloyd Webber [the famous British musical composer of "Phantom of the Opera", "Cats" and "Sunset Boulevard"] asked me to sing in his musical gala, and I was very successful. I can really say that I am a person who can sing."

After more than ten years, Fei Xiang has been continuing the road of musical theater, but also produced a lot of conceptual music works, the screen seems to be farther and farther away from him... Until 2011, director Wuershan suddenly found Fei Xiang, let him act in the film "Painted Skin 2", "the door of the film suddenly opened to me."

Too much sacrifice?

It was intentional

When Urshan first met Fei Xiang, he showed him some concept drawings for the wizard character in "Painted Skin 2" and told him about the character he wanted to present. But Fei Xiang has his own ideas.

"At that time, the wizard used Beckham's face, and the director said he wanted the most handsome wizard, but there were a lot of beautiful people in this movie, Zhou Xun and Chen Kun were too beautiful, and I had to be strongly different from them." I told director Urshan that I wanted to completely change my original image, and the director said yes. And that's one of the things that makes him so valuable is that he listens, he recognizes, he accepts, he changes, he's a very open director."

So the original "Beckham version of handsome wizard" hair is gone, the face is also made very scary, Fei Xiang also specifically asked to stick to their own long nails, "because we need these things to quickly give the audience information", the result after sticking nails a whole inconvenience, "some people why stick long nails I really don't understand... I couldn't open my drink, I couldn't press my phone, I was holding it like a cripple, and then I asked them what to do, and they said, 'Hey, I'll teach you! 'And then use the knuckles to operate on the screen of the phone, saying that it is good to shave, in short, taught me a lot of skills!"

Many people did not recognize Fei Xiang after watching "Painted Skin 2", which is too big a gap with "a fire in winter", and feel that he sacrificed a lot. But Fei Xiang achieved his goal, with a role to break decades of established impression, quite worth it.

After all, it is a top student with a Stanford background, and some deep thinking began to plan in Fei Xiang's mind. In 2014, he launched a musical micro film called "Lie", more than six minutes long, film noir style, about a gangster boss and lover love hate entangle, "this I am to do for the domestic film and television industry to see." I meant it to be black and white."

Fei Xiang is very fond of works with a sense of time, whether it is books, music, movies, with the help of different historical backgrounds, he can perform different feelings.

In order to make "Lie," Fei Xiang and director He Mingsheng watched a lot of classic works of this type, such as Hitchcock's, all the storyboards Fei Xiang also participated in the communication design, he and his small team of fewer than dozens of people carefully planned such a work. The result was immediate - Zheng Baorui, the director of Journey to the West, took one of the images directly to find it, said he liked it, and invited Fei Xiang to play.

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