"Queen of News" location Gezi Mountain has become a network red card hot spot, and has been renamed to 【 Zhangjiayan Mountain 】

Recently, the wireless drama "News Queen" broadcast, set off a pot drama boom, and the mainland audience is also there is no shot, and even hope to remake the mainland version, we know that the popularity of the series, and in the series to play Zhangjiayan Li Shihua, in the mainland people's surging, small red book, Weibo and other social media, a large number of fans in a short time.

The audience affirmed the strength of Miriam, for her from the original neutral, finally turned black, successfully sat on the Man sister, in which Miriam only with eyes and body movements, deducing a 180 degree transformation of Zhangjiayan, the netizens praised the performance of the great leap forward, unanimously recognized that Miriam Lee acting well. Miriam, who has won a number of international Best actress awards, has been voted the "Best Actress by the People" for her drama "Golden Night Building" in the early years, and this year, because of the "News Queen" Zhangjiayan, was once again named the "Two Women" by the people.

The craze of "News Queen", along with a number of female anchors' clothing, makeup, has also become the object of imitation of mainland Internet celebrities, Miriam Lee has also made a film to teach everyone to wear "Jia Yan makeup", so that many Internet celebrities and viewers in addition to competing to buy the same clothing, but also to achieve consistency, Qiqi with Jia Yan sister makeup, it is easy to see different "Zhangjiayan" on the streets of the mainland.

In addition, the location of the series attracted a large number of mainland tourists to punch in. In the series, whenever Jiayan is depressed and in a bad mood, she will go to her secret base - Gezi Mountain to look at the scenery. And one of them, home yan suffered multiple blows, is also on the lattice child mountain burst shout collapse. This grid Zai Hill oil on the red and white grid, the environment is beautiful, and the mainland Internet users have changed the name of the site to [Zhangjiayan Hill], and riding the "News Queen" boom, many tourists are there to take photos, and even a network celebrity film, detailed about the traffic route, so that the crowd is crowded, it is unexpected, curve revitalizing Hong Kong tourism.

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