Dental health is about overall health

In the opinion of stomatologists, bad teeth can cause a variety of big health problems. Experts say that paying attention to oral health can not only improve the health of the mouth itself, but also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes and fetal miscarriage.

It is not an alarmist to say that improper brushing may induce pneumonia. We've had a number of cases like this, mostly elderly people.

After many efforts, we finally found that the cause of the old man's illness was dental disease. High blood pressure, heart disease, the old people are very concerned, but often ignore the importance of dental health care.

Tooth is not good why can cause pneumonia?

According to reports, this is because oral impurity is easy to breed bacteria, and bacteria may be caused by saliva and food residues into the lungs. The cough reflex ability of the elderly is weak, and once the bacteria stay in the lungs for 48 hours to 72 hours, it will cause greater damage to the lungs, causing pneumonia, pulmonary water and other problems.

Experts say oral problems should be taken seriously from the perspective of overall health. It turns out that many oral problems can easily lead to other diseases.

Take the most common periodontal disease as an example, periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection, the prevalence of adult periodontal disease in the world is as high as 80%. In recent years, with the continuous progress of medical research, it has been preliminatively confirmed that periodontal disease not only involves the local periodontal tissues of the mouth, but also has a high correlation with systemic multi-system diseases. Studies on the correlation between periodontal disease and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes and respiratory infections have been confirmed.

Although more and more people pay more attention to oral health problems, the situation of oral health is still not optimistic, experts said.

Adults have periodontal problems to varying degrees, and people of all ages are plagued by oral problems.

These statistics are a sobering reminder that more needs to be done to address oral health issues. People are a whole, affecting the whole body, and if something goes wrong in one place, it will cause a chain reaction elsewhere.

A small problem is not paid attention to, will cause various parts of the reaction, and eventually lead to big problems, teeth are also the same.

As we get older, our teeth are particularly prone to problems, which can be related to our nutritional status as children, or to our oral hygiene habits.

The misunderstanding should be eliminated first

Experts say the development of self-care knowledge about teeth should start with children. In addition to doing a good job of cleaning and developing good dental habits, it is necessary to eliminate the misunderstanding of adults in time.

The concept of "sick to go to the dentist" has long been outdated, teeth should also be included in the scope of annual physical examination, for people with a higher risk of dental disease, should increase the frequency of inspection, every six months to do dental examination.

The mouth is an important part of the human body, is the front end of the digestive system, is the first barrier for food into the body.

Many people don't realize that oral health is part of physical health, and the standard of oral health is no caries, no pain, normal gum color, and no bleeding gums.

Missing teeth directly affect chewing, but also affect people's health and quality of life. After missing teeth, there is a gap left in the middle of the dentition, which is easy to impaction food, and caries and periodontal disease will occur over time. In addition, the tooth corresponding to the void of the missing tooth will elongate, causing the root of the tooth to be exposed and affecting its stability.

Therefore, people must protect every permanent tooth, once there is a shortage, to find a way to do a good job of remedial work to maintain the long-term operation of the entire system.

In addition, in clinical practice, some patients due to unreasonable dental habits, resulting in damage to the teeth, such as opening bottles with teeth, biting walnut shells, etc., in the moment of bite hard objects, it is likely to have caused damage to the teeth.

Over a long period of incorrect biting habits, the hidden cracks may become deeper and deeper, causing pulpitis and pain, or causing the tooth to simply break open, causing irreversible damage.

There are some hidden cracks on the surface of the teeth that doctors can only see under a microscope, which is difficult to deal with, and these hidden cracks cannot be healed and can only be repaired by medical methods. Therefore, when eating crabs, walnuts and other particularly hard food, should be combined with the use of auxiliary tools, rather than with teeth rough bite.

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