Women's sexuality should not be "stitched"

This summer, the high temperature everywhere is refreshing everyone's body feeling ceiling, such weather is really difficult to let people do not want to wear some light and breathable design.

Bella Hadid's recent Y2K trend has brought us many examples of cool outfits beyond classic shirts and t-shirts.

The hot dress of the female stars at the music festival also saw a lot of girls Shouting that I want to wear this.

Who doesn't want to be cool, beautiful and cool in this big summer?

However, can you really see such a dress in everyday life? The answer is very little.

Whether it is a passer-by in reality or a keyboard man on the Internet, their comments still make it difficult for women to "dress freely".

Because of the size of the dress, the female stars have been hotly debated, and this is especially obvious in the female artists.

Although because of the identity of female artists, they need to switch different dressing styles according to the occasion or role, the public has been relatively tolerant of their dressing standards, but the probability of being criticized for dressing problems is still not low.

The impact of such overwhelming accusations and unjustified stigma on female stars can be seen, especially the strong correlation between public opinion and their career opportunities, which also makes female stars worry a lot about sexy display.

It seems there is a "consensus" that women must wear underwear and not be scantily clad.

Earlier, Wang Ju participated in the BA challenge, voice liberation chest, dress freedom. There are a number of comments below that say wearing underwear is healthy.

In the Asian environment, it is shy to discuss things related to sexuality, let alone the real needs of women behind this.

Suihara Xiko once said in the program that it is very troublesome to wear underwear.

South Korean actress Shirley also continued to be criticized and attacked by netizens because of dressing problems.

And she can have the courage to face this topic in the show, explaining that not wearing underwear just wants to make her body comfortable, and hopes that people can break this stereotype and prejudice about women, every girl has the right to choose freely.

Whether it is wearing underwear or the degree of skin exposure of the overall shape, it is a woman's own choice, rather than solidifying this matter into a rule, and it should be derived from a number of standards to imprison women's freedom of choice.

But when the time has gone to the third decade of the 21st century, women are still able to freely choose clothes and constantly explain, it is really sad.

On the one hand, under the traditional concept, Asian women tend to wear conservative styles, and a little exposure will be criticized by the opposite sex and even some of the same sex.

These outdated ideas are the first shackles that women have to break away from to dress freely.

On the other hand, nowadays, women's consciousness is gradually awakening, and many people are aware that some overly sexy images are indeed the aesthetic of women to meet the male perspective, and are the products of pleasing men.

But that doesn't mean that women's natural sexuality is wrong.

Unfortunately, the two are always easy to be confused, as if women are generous and confident to show their original beauty, and it has become a domesticated attitude to meet.

People wearing colored glasses can not see their self-confidence and free spirit, which is not another moral shackles?

In fact, from both perspectives, women are regarded as an object of consciousness projection, which can only constantly adjust themselves to adapt to various norms, and their subjectivity is ignored, and few people pay attention to their own claims in these insults and accusations.

Fortunately, those female artists who have been subjected to criticism mentioned above can always get more female support voices online now.

Because, if even the female stars who have professional needs in dress have to be criticized, ordinary women in real life, who can give them strength and support?

Women, as a community facing such encounters, speak for them and, in fact, speak for themselves.

Women's freedom to dress should be how they feel, and they do not need to conform to the so-called standards born under the eyes of any public.

If you don't touch the bottom line, what you want to wear has nothing to do with others.

Whether you dress sexy or relaxed, you don't need to feel shy and you don't need to worry about being judged.

If there are any rules for dressing freely, it is that you like it and feel comfortable.

I like it. I'll wear it.

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