Want to eat zongzi in peace

Mention zongzi will have "bad digestion, easy heartburn" concerns, especially for diabetes patients, weight loss people, this kind of glutinous rice as the main raw material of food, eat more concerns, zongzi eat more will not affect health?

Can diabetic patients eat zongzi? Diabetic patients and zongzi no chance?

Question 1: Can diabetic patients eat zongzi?

Answer: Yes! So why are sugar friends always advised to eat less zongzi? Because zongzi is a "carbon bomb", and the raw material of zongzi - glutinous rice is easy to make blood sugar rise rapidly, and the sugar rise rate (GI value) is higher than that of rice.

Question 2: Why does glutinous rice rise blood sugar quickly?

Answer: The vast majority of the starch contained in glutinous rice is amylopectin, which is more easily digestible starch.

Unlike rice, amylose content is high, the digestion speed is not as fast as glutinous rice.

Isn't that a little confusing? Let's start with a brief review of amylose and amylopectin.

There are two main types of starch in cereals: amylose and amylopectin. The taste of the high proportion of straight chain is hard, and the taste of the high proportion of branched chain is soft. The reason why glutinous rice tastes very sticky and soft is that the content of amylopectin is much higher than that of straight chain.

Whether it is straight chain or amylopectin, it is a large molecular compound formed by the polymerization of countless small molecules of glucose, which can be understood as: glucose is like a small independent bead, and the large molecule of starch is strung into different bead chains with different bead methods.

The process of digestion of starch in our digestive tract begins with digestion in the mouth. After starch is eaten in the mouth, it is initially processed by the amylase enzyme in the saliva - it is like cutting with scissors to make it shorter. Then it goes into the stomach, where it is ground into chyme (like glutinous rice), and then into the small intestine, where it is further clipped by the amylase, until all the beads are cut into individual small beads, that is, glucose, for the body to absorb and use.

Understanding this process, and then looking at amylose and amylopectin, it is easy to see why the two are different in terms of digestibility.

Amylose has a much denser structure than amylopectin, and it takes time and effort for amylase to completely cut the long "rope" formed by twisting this spiral. The large wool ball of amylopectin, due to its loose molecular structure, amylase can start from multiple angles at the same time, and random scissors can make the wool ball fall apart. Relatively less time.

This is why glutinous rice is digested faster and rises blood sugar faster than rice with clear grains after cooking.

Question 3: Should "sugar friends" choose salty Zongzi or sweet Zongzi?

Answer: Either way. It's all about how and how much you eat. The vast majority of people's understanding of diabetes diet is "taboo sugar". Therefore, most diabetic patients will actively avoid sweet zongzi.

In fact, even if there is no added sugar in the filling of zongzi, zongzi itself is still a high-carbohydrate food, after all, glutinous rice is the main material, and the main nutrient composition of glutinous rice is easily digestible amylopectin. Therefore, not sweet dumplings are not necessarily low carbohydrate water (that is, low sugar).

The carbon content of a rice dumpling is greater than or equal to 1 bowl of rice, which means that as long as you eat rice dumplings, you must reduce the amount of staple food of the same meal accordingly to avoid too much carbon intake and post-meal blood sugar.

Love tip: If you choose salty Zongzi or white Zongzi (no filling), but at the same time dipped in white sugar or honey to eat, it is equal to adding extra sugar.

Q4: Do sugar friends need to pay attention to the calories of zongzi?

Answer: Depending on the situation, generally do not need, unless every day to take zongzi as a meal.

Fat people do not rely on one or two days to eat out, one or two dumplings will not have too much contribution to weight.

Regardless of sweet Zongzi, salty Zongzi, on average, the heat of one is about 200-300 calories. White Zongzi, eight treasures, multi-grain zongzi will be slightly lower, and meat zongzi and bean paste zongzi are generally higher.

Therefore, if you are a large weight base, there is a need to lose weight, or is a sugar friend with high blood lipids, and if the home has been sent a lot of dumplings, you need to digest a period of time to clear the stock, you do need to worry about the heat and the fat content in the filling. Otherwise, if you just eat one or two for the occasion, there is no need to be too strict on the calorie requirements.

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