Rumor has it that black can cause cancer when worn close to the skin

Truth net says it's best not to wear black underwear, because the chemical synthetic fuel it uses increases the risk of cancer.

To clear the air, let's talk about dye for clothing.

In the chemical synthetic dyes, azo dyes account for the largest proportion, because its molecular structure contains the structure of azo-linked aniline, involving most commonly used reactive dyes, disperse dyes, direct dyes, etc., for a variety of natural and synthetic fiber fabrics dyeing and printing.

Azo dyes themselves are non-toxic, but a small part of azo dyes in the human body wearing process, will be mixed with the metabolites of the human body, under certain conditions, the reduction reaction, the release of carcinogenic aromatic amines, damage human health.

However, we can rest assured that this part of the azo dye has been banned by most countries. China's national compulsory standard "National Basic Safety Technical Specifications for Textile Products" (GB 18401-2010) clearly stipulates that "the decomposition of carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes are prohibited";

The national mandatory standard "Limit and determination of 23 harmful aromatic amines in Dye products" (GB 19601-2013) regulates the development and production of dye products in China from the source to ensure that high quality and safe products are provided for textile and garment dye application enterprises.

So as long as it is a qualified clothing, regardless of color, it is safe and harmless. Black textile and garment products are also applicable to the above provisions, and qualified black textile and garment products are also safe and harmless.

Myth: Spicy food can cause Acne

In fact, many people have such an experience, after eating spicy food, their face "burst". As a result, "eating spicy acne" has become an enduring misunderstanding. In fact, there is no link between eating spicy food and getting acne. On the contrary, some studies suggest that capsaicin in chili peppers is good for treating acne.

So, why do we still have the experience of "acne after eating spicy food"? This is because eating spicy will make pimples that are not obvious because of the "spicy" stimulation become more red, and look more obvious.

What we think of as spicy foods: red-oil hot pot, boiled meat slices, and diced chicken with chili, are often accompanied by high sugar and fat - these are the main causes of breakouts.

Therefore, next time, do not give the acne monster to eat spicy, eat less greasy, high-sugar food, develop regular work and rest habits, is to prevent the "breakout" the key.

Myth: Coconut oil is better for weight loss

In fact, it is believed that the commonly used vegetable oil components are mainly long-chain fatty acids, which are easy to accumulate fat after consumption. Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids, which provide quick energy without storing fat.

But don't get too excited.

Whether medium-chain fatty acids can actually lose weight, the current research results are inconsistent. While some studies have found increased satiety and reduced eating, and some studies have found that medium-chain fatty acids may help reduce waist circumference and weight, others have found no significant weight loss effects.

Therefore, although medium-chain fatty acids have good prospects for weight loss, more high-quality studies are needed to verify it.

In addition, coconut oil is not equivalent to pure medium-chain fatty acids. Although 54% of the medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil, the majority of them, lauric acid, is metabolized in a similar way to long-chain fatty acids. There are actually very few fatty acids in coconut oil that help you lose weight.

Moreover, coconut oil itself is 99% fat, and the calories are extremely high, 100 grams of coconut oil contains 895 kcal of calories. Want to rely on coconut oil to lose weight, may not reduce fat, and gain a lot of fat.

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