fully implement the epi=emic prevention and control measures for enterprises and public institutions to resume work and production.

Important changes in the prevention and control of the epidemic will be strictly prevented from being imported from abroad

According to the website of the National Health Commission, the NHC held a teleconference to plan the next stage of prevention and control in accordance with the law, scientific prevention and control, precise prevention and control, and resolutely prevent the import of COVID-19.

The meeting stressed that the current overseas epidemic is showing a rapid spread, a large number of Chinese people abroad, overseas students and other key groups have a strong desire to return to China,

a significant increase in imported cases, and the pressure to prevent the rebound of the epidemic continues. Important changes in the epidemic prevention and control situation have brought serious challenges to China's epidemic prevention and control work.

The meeting called on the health system to keep a clear mind, firmly establish a sense of the overall situation, political awareness and responsibility, continue to strengthen the current domestic epidemic prevention and control measures, start to formulate pandemic plans and plans, refine the overseas epidemic prevention and response measures, and strictly prevent the spread, spread and spread of the epidemic.

First, we must resolutely fight the Hubei and Wuhan defense battles. We will continue to give top priority to medical treatment and strengthen health management of discharged patients.

We will continue to take strict prevention and control measures and do a good job in community prevention and control. We will strengthen psychological counseling and psychological intervention among the masses.

In-depth investigation and resolution of various risks and hidden dangers. Beijing should give full play to the role of the joint prevention and control coordination mechanism for the strict management of the capital to ensure the security and stability of the capital.

All localities should give full play to the important role of communities in epidemic prevention and control, strengthen the prevention and control of key populations, public places and key units, and build a people's defense line of mass prevention and control.

Second, strictly prevent imported cases. Coordinate and strengthen "overseas control", carry out overseas epidemic risk research and assessment, and take appropriate prevention and control measures according to the epidemic risk level.

Strictly "port quarantine" for entry personnel, and strengthen epidemiological investigation and medical screening of those with fever or respiratory symptoms. Strictly control the "domestic prevention and control customs", accurately track and manage the landing of overseas personnel in the territory, and promptly deal with problems when they are found.

Third, fully implement the epidemic prevention and control measures for enterprises and public institutions to resume work and production.

Fourth, we will gradually resume normal medical services.

Fifth, continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the World Health Organization, the European Union and other international organizations, and make full use of such platforms as China-Japan-ROK,

China-Central and Eastern Europe, China-Pacific Island countries, and the Greater Mekong Subregion economic cooperation mechanism. Promote the close connection between clinical and scientific research, and strive to achieve breakthrough results as soon as possible. We will strengthen publicity and guidance and take the initiative to respond to public concerns.

Scientific prevention and control is the most beneficial weapon in the fight against the epidemic

Standing on the height of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the relationship between the epidemic prevention and control war and the development of science and technology is explained in a simple way,which points out the direction and provides methods for us to win the epidemic prevention and control war.

Science and technology are powerful tools in the fight against the epidemic. Science and technology is an important weapon for mankind to eliminate diseases and a key weapon for us to defeat the epidemic.

History and practice have proved that this is true. From a historical point of view, human beings overcome diseases by the development of medical science and innovation of medical technology;

From a practical point of view, the victory over SARS and other major infectious diseases in recent years has also relied on the progress of science and technology. The development of science and technology,

especially the rapid development of molecular biology, has enabled human beings to have an in-depth, systematic and comprehensive understanding of the structure, properties, characteristics and evolution laws of viruses that cause infectious diseases.

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