6 tips to improve angry cold bloating

Many people experience bloating. Regardless of the cause of the disease, some behaviors in life can also cause bloating.

Why do I bloat?

  1. Unhappiness causes bloating

Two ribs distension, aggravation when angry, after exhaust somewhat reduced, this is a typical liver qi stagnation type of abdominal distension, often emotional depression leads to liver qi discomfort, caused abdominal distension.

At this time, you can choose Buddha's hand for gas tea, take Buddha's hand slice 3 grams, 3 grams of orange peel, 2 grams of rose wash, put it in the cup, brew tea with hot water, or cook and drink, can adjust qi and flatness, suitable for poor mood, there is a sense of swelling on both sides of the side, sigh often, breast tenderness, and aggravate discomfort when angry.

  1. The cold causes bloating

People with spleen and kidney Yang deficiency have weak jiao gasification, and abdominal distension often has the experience of being afraid of cold and abdominal distension aggravating after being cold.

The more common reason in life is improper diet, such as eating too much raw and cold food and wasting Yang Qi.

At this time for hawthorn Hui tea, take hawthorn 5 grams, fennel 3 grams, black tea 2 grams or plum blossom 2 grams, hot water to brew tea, or slightly boiled drink, can warm qi, suitable for abdominal distention, fear of cold, afraid of eating cold things, like to drink hot water, and symptoms aggravated after cold.

  1. Eating too much can cause bloating

People are most familiar with bloating caused by food accumulation, especially those who overeat and often dine, which is characterized by bad breath and acid reflux in the stomach while bloating.

At this time, you can choose hawthorn wheat tea, take 5 grams of burnt hawthorn, stir-fried malt 5 grams, stir-fried radish seed 3 grams, hot water brewing tea, or slightly boiled and drunk, can reduce food accumulation, suitable for always eating too full, too greasy, causing appetite loss, bad breath, stool odor and sticky uncomfortable.

How to relieve bloating? 6 ways to improve

  1. Touch your belly button

Fold your hands, put them on the Guanyuan point (3 inches below the umbilical), and gently rub the circle around the navel, first clockwise rub 36 times, then counterclockwise 36 times.

  1. Point the middle duct

One hand four fingers together, point to rub the middle wan (umbilical middle and upper 4 inches), the strength should be soft, clockwise rotation and kneading for 2 to 5 minutes.

  1. Knead Guan Yuan

Five fingers together, with the index finger or middle finger abdominal massage Guanyuan point 30 ~ 60 seconds.

  1. Tap the pulse

Hold the hollow fist in both hands, put it on the side, the same height as the navel, first tap the fist face from the side of the body to both sides of the spine, and then slowly knock forward, to the navel after the back knock, so repeated 36 times.

  1. Press Zusanli

Use thumb to knead Zusanli point (four transverse fingers under the outer knee) for 30 to 60 seconds, with a sense of acid swelling.

  1. Knead too white

Use your thumb to knead the Taibai point on the inside of your feet (the red and white indentation of the proximal end of the first metatarsophalangeal joint) for 30 to 60 seconds, with a sense of acid swelling.

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