Common ear disorders

Including ear inflammation, deafness, tumors and so on.

Inflammation is the first.

Although the tumor does not occupy a prominent position, it may endanger life and should be paid attention to.

Ear diseases - Classification There are several classifications.

Anatomical classification of the following diseases:

Anatomical classification

① Diseases of the outer ear.

Congenital malformation, furuncle of the external ear canal, eczema of the external ear canal, cholestatoma of the external ear canal, papilloma of the external ear canal, tympanitis, external ear hematoma, etc.

② Middle ear disease.

Catarrhal otitis media, suppurative otitis media, mastoidiopathic cholesterol granuloma, otogenic facial nerve palsy, middle ear congenital malformation, otosclerosis, glomus jugular tumor, middle ear cancer, barotraumatic otitis media, etc.

③ Diseases of the inner ear.

Congenital inner ear deformity, labyrinthitis, Meniere's disease, sensorineural deafness, sudden deafness, temporal bone fracture, etc.

According to the pathogenesis, it can be summarized into the following categories:

Classified by pathogenesis

① Developmental defects.

Common hereditary deafness, various types of ear malformation, pregnancy infection or poisoning caused deafness and so on.

② Infection.

Common bacterial infection, mold infection, viral infection, syphilis and so on.

③ Poisoning.

Common ototoxic deafness caused by antibiotics, quinine, salicylate and heavy metal, etc.

④ Trauma.

Common noise trauma, air pressure injury, round window film rupture, temporal bone fracture and so on.

⑤ Metabolic disorders.

Common hypothyroidism deafness, otosclerosis, senile deafness and so on.

⑥ Tumor.

Ceruminous adenoma, middle ear cancer, etc.

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