A symptom in the neck that could be thyroid cancer

Clinical thyroid cancer patients, the vast majority of thyroid function is normal. Only a small percentage are abnormal, even in very severe thyroid cancer, doctors check the patient's thyroid function, still may be normal. Therefore, judging the health of the body by the functioning of the body is biased, which is the difference between the phenomenon and the essence, and will affect the early detection of thyroid cancer.

If the patient thinks that normal function is all right, it is a big mistake. In fact, thyroid cancer is in the case of normal thyroid function, do a lot of evil.

And in terms of the extent of the crime, it is even more criminal, because it is also suspected of framing people. Therefore, from the patients, their own vigilance is very important. So, what are the symptoms of thyroid cancer that should not be ignored?

1, adult lymph nodes slowly enlarged, often ominous.

The first puzzling thing about thyroid cancer is the knot on the neck. There are bumps on the neck, which fundamentally reflects the patient's lymph node problem.

But bumps are so common that cancer wears an invisibility cloak.

If the lymph nodes are inflamed, producing symptoms such as sore throat and fever, the patient will certainly be paid attention to. However, the lymph gland metastasis of thyroid cancer, just like the devil in the movie comes to the village, is quietly and slowly, so that the patient has not been found for a long time.

For example, patients have a pimple on their neck, but they have not grown up for a long time, and many patients ignore it, which is like the paralyzing effect of "boiling frogs in warm water".

Because the water temperature is rising a little bit, the frog does not notice, so the water boils and the frog is boiled to death. If you put a frog in the boiling water, it will definitely run away.

Even patients with medical knowledge are prone to making mistakes, because medical knowledge is something universal, but diseases are individual differences and need individual analysis.

In the neck bumps, a day or a few days have a significant decline is inflammation, if a few months still do not go down, it may be a tumor. If the knot is several years old, then it may be benign, but there is also the possibility of malignancy.

  1. The effects of hoarseness on the throat can be devastating.

Patients with hoarseness, we often think that is pharyngitis or vocal cords long things.

But it's actually a nerve problem that prevents the vocal cords from moving freely.

If a thyroid cancer patient has hoarseness, it indicates that the nerve of the vocal cord has been violated, and the thyroid cancer has entered the advanced stage.

The consequences are quite serious, and its treatment must be complete. Maintaining laryngeal function in this case requires a high level of skill.

3, coughing up blood, indicating that the Wolf has been admitted.

Patients, especially middle-aged and elderly patients, when it comes to coughing up blood, they think of lung problems. But unexpectedly, a laryngoscope, trachea inside the tumor, this is thyroid cancer metastasized to the trachea caused trouble.

  1. Difficulty swallowing and breathing caused by foreign body sensation in the pharynx

Most people think that the above problems will not be thyroid cancer, in fact, it is necessary to rule out the thyroid factor, because only early detection, there will be a chance of survival.

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