Can fighting fire with fire beat allergies

Hats, goggles, masks... There are more and more people armed to the "teeth" on the street, "a snot and a tear" to remind you that Beijing has entered the peak period of pollen, and the spring allergy season has come.

Drinking honey water, eating pollen, raising pets... Many "allergic star people" on the way to fight, try a variety of folk remedies, high moves, and allergy "death knock" in the end! Were their efforts in vain?

Can allergies be cured? How can you reduce the occurrence of allergies? Why did you never have allergies before, and then suddenly in your 40s and 50s? The author interviewed Ma Yanliang, chief physician of respiratory and critical care Medicine Department of Peking University People's Hospital, Wang Min, chief physician of otolaryngology head and neck Surgery, to answer questions about allergies that we are concerned about

Why are you allergic and he's fine?

Allergies, so to speak, are becoming more common. It is estimated that the number of patients with allergic diseases in China may be hundreds of millions. Want to understand the allergy, first to understand the "allergen", as the name suggests, is the cause of allergy factors, including food (such as wheat, soybeans, peanuts, eggs, etc.), inhalation (such as pollen, mites, etc.), microorganisms (such as bacteria, mold, etc.), insect toxins, drugs (such as sulfonamide, penicillin) and so on.

Everyone has different constitutions and different allergens. In addition, the occurrence of allergy is also related to the internal causes of individuals, that is, allergic constitution. So in the same situation, for the same substance, some people may be susceptible to allergies, and some people will not. Clinically, it is also often seen that parents are not allergic, and children will be allergic, which is also due to the development and growth of children and the physique of their parents is not exactly the same.

It is worth noting that long-term bad habits, such as drinking, smoking, staying up late, irregular eating, etc., may lead to body immunity disorders, thereby increasing the risk of allergies.

The most common type of allergic reaction is type I, also known as anaphylaxis or hypersensitivity, which occurs within seconds or minutes after the body is exposed to an allergen. When our body's immune system first comes into contact with allergens, it sees them as "enemies", secretes and releases antibodies (proteins), especially immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies, and forms memories in the body. Once the allergen is exposed again, a large number of allergen-specific IgE antibodies are released to trap the allergen and trigger the release of a series of chemicals that cause blood vessels to dilate, increase blood vessel permeability, and contract smooth muscle, leading to allergic symptoms such as rash, itchy skin, runny nose, sneezing, and difficulty breathing.

At present, whether it is allergic rhinitis, or allergic asthma and other allergic diseases, can be treated. Experts suggest that do not worry too much about allergies, let alone anxiety because of allergies, because anxiety is also an important cause of allergies, excessive anxiety may stimulate the body's immune response. Please be sure to face allergies and deal with them scientifically.

Do allergies have anything to do with aging?

There is a certain relationship. With age, the body's immune system, skin conditions, living environment, etc. will change, and these changes may affect the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Clinically, we can see cases of allergies that have been normal before and begin at the age of 40 or 50. This is because allergic reactions are polygenic and usually do not occur soon after birth. Influenced by genetic factors, multiple gene loci and regions of patients are associated with susceptibility to allergies. Usually in the same environment, allergic reactions are more likely to occur than others, and allergic diseases appear.

In addition to genetic factors, environmental factors also play an important role. Too clean environment leads to the reduction of infectious diseases, polluted environment (PM2.5, PM10 exposure), excessive stress and other external factors may cause an individual's immune system to be over-sensitive, leading to allergic reactions. Therefore, to prevent and reduce the formation of allergies, we should pay attention to the role of genetic factors, but also pay attention to the impact of environmental factors.

There is a senile rhinitis occurring over the age of 65, such patients are not typical allergic rhinitis, does not occur when young, to a certain age of clinical symptoms. The most common symptoms are watery mucus, while other symptoms are relatively mild. The main reason is that the nasal nerve sensitivity of the elderly is changed, the sensitivity of parasympathetic nerve is increased, and rhinitis with runny nose is the main symptom. The use of choline receptor antagonists can effectively relieve the symptoms of runny nose.

Can more contact with nature "anti-sensitivity"?

One of the big reasons for the increased prevalence of allergies is that the environment is too clean. Earlier studies have also found that farm children who grow up in unsanitary environments filled with natural microbes and dirt are less likely to develop allergies because their immune systems are trained to fight them off.

Studies have confirmed that the early school age, especially the neonatal period, is an important period for the formation of the child's immune system, and the early immune system exposure to antigens (whether natural or artificial) can easily lead to lifelong or long-term tolerance, and will default to environmental irritants as "friends". Exposure to an unfamiliar allergen as an adult can activate some of the overactive immune responses.

On the other hand, if you over-clean the environment, lack the necessary microbial stimulation, and then come into contact with it after adulthood, the immune system will regard it as an abnormal substance, and a series of overreactions will occur, which is allergy. Therefore, increasing exposure to the natural environment in early childhood may reduce the chance of developing allergies later in life.

But experts warn that doesn't mean all kids can avoid allergies this way. For allergy problems, there is still a need to consider multiple factors and take appropriate preventive and treatment measures.

In addition, many studies have found that the excessive use of antibacterial products and cleaners can destroy the balance of microorganisms on the skin, resulting in damage to the skin epithelial barrier function, and the skin is more susceptible to external irritation and infection, and is associated with various skin and mucosal allergic diseases. Therefore, in order to maintain a healthy immune system and avoid allergic reactions, people should avoid over-cleaning and over-use of antibacterial products, while maintaining moderate hygiene and cleanliness.

Can Pets prevent allergies?

Not necessarily. Many foreign studies believe that early exposure to pets can reduce the risk of allergies in children. However, there is no specific relevant research in China.

However, from a clinical point of view, some children may still cause allergies after contact with pets, which may be because the environment we live in is different. Compared with the narrow space of urban apartments, the concentration of various allergens brought by pets in the relatively open and spacious environment such as farms is relatively low, and the probability of allergy will be reduced.

In addition, fish, birds, or other reptiles may also cause allergic reactions.

Can Eating more probiotics Reduce allergies?

Intestinal flora is a complex ecosystem composed of a variety of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms, which play important physiological functions in the human body, such as participating in food digestion, vitamin synthesis, resistance to foreign pathogens and so on.

As urban people, we basically eat the sterilized food purchased in the supermarket. Over time, the gut, which should be "prosperous" in all ethnic groups, becomes more and more single, disrupting the balance of the intestinal flora, and allowing harmful bacteria to multiply, thus causing intestinal problems.

Under the modern lifestyle, probiotics have been widely concerned and sought after because of their benefits in improving intestinal health, enhancing immunity, and promoting nutrient absorption.

Is it possible to prevent allergies with probiotics to increase the flora in the gut? There are only a handful of experiments, and none have been supported by large-scale studies.

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