How does the "San Francisco Vision" translate into reality during the first meeting between China and the US dollar?

This is the first face-to-face meeting between the two heads of state since last year's Bali meeting, which has attracted high attention from the international community.

The current international situation is turbulent and intertwined, and China US relations are also at a critical crossroads. What important messages do the two heads of state from Bali to San Francisco convey when they meet again after a year? What impact will the critical moment of China US dollar interaction have on the relationship between the two countries? China News Agency's "China Focus Face to Face" invited Vice Dean Gao Fei of the China Academy of Foreign Affairs to provide an interpretation.

China News Agency reporter: Last year, the first meeting between China and the United States in Bali, Indonesia, pointed out the direction for the seriously troubled China US relationship. Now, the two heads of state have met again after a year. In your opinion, how can both sides successfully achieve "returning to Bali and leading to San Francisco"?

Gao Fei: Last November, the heads of state of China and the United States successfully held a meeting in Bali. This was the first time in five years that the leaders of the two countries had met face-to-face to discuss bilateral relations and international issues of common concern, and a broad consensus was reached. After a year and a day, the leaders of the two countries met again, which is of great significance.

Although the process was not smooth, including a series of issues such as the so-called "balloon incident" that disrupted the development of Sino US relations, we also see that both sides have made a lot of efforts to achieve the San Francisco meeting. In the early stage, senior US officials visited China one after another, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also visited the United States at the end of October, including multiple contacts between the fiscal and financial leaders of the two countries and climate negotiators, which continued to create an atmosphere for the two sides to meet. The successful implementation of this meeting between the leaders of the two countries demonstrates that both sides have taken a beneficial step forward in finding the right way for the two countries to coexist.

China News Agency reporter: The four hour San Francisco summit between China and the United States not only discussed differences and sensitive issues, but also reached consensus and results in various aspects, forming a "San Francisco vision" for the future. How do you evaluate the significance of this meeting? What does in-depth face-to-face communication and exchange between China and the US dollar mean for bilateral relations and the world?

Gao Fei: Over the past period of time, China US relations have encountered difficulties in almost all areas. Therefore, the successful meeting between China and the United States is of great symbolic significance. The world today is facing unprecedented changes, with weak global economic recovery, political turmoil, and frequent hot topics. The meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States is particularly important for stabilizing bilateral relations and the world situation, as well as creating more stable expectations for the future development of the world.

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