More than 3,900 bamboo slips were uncovered from Qinjiazui Cemetery in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, covering many fields such as six arts and Zhuzi

The State Administration of Cultural Heritage held a press conference to inform the important progress of several major projects of "archaeological China". The deputy research staff of Jingzhou Museum introduced the latest archaeological findings of Qinjiazui Cemetery in Jingzhou, Hubei Province.

Qin Jiazui Tomb, located in the Jinan Ecological and cultural tourism area of Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, is a cemetery in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, where a large number of bamboo slips were unearthed in tomb M1093, which has important historical value. According to reports, M1093 is a Chu tomb of the Warring States period, and its date is preliminarily inferred from the period of King Xuan of Chu to King Wei of Chu (369 BC to 329 BC). The tomb is a rectangular vertical hole earth pit tomb of the leading niche, a single coffin with a rectangular curved bottom, 19 pieces (sets) of funerary objects were unearthed, respectively placed in the head niche, the east side of the coffin, the north side of the coffin, and 2 sets of bamboo leaflets are located in the head niche and the bamboo tree on the north side of the coffin.

M1093 bamboo slips unearthed in niches.

After the first stage of indoor protection treatment of Jingzhou Cultural Relics Protection Center, a total of more than 3,900 bamboo slips were uncovered, and it is expected that 1,200 to 1,500 slips can be integrated, with about 30,000 words. The font of the text is typical Chu Jian silk text of the war state, and the content has been preliminarily identified, including five categories: six categories, including "Shang Shu Lu Punishment", "Confucius's knowledge of Qin Mu Gong", "Qi Huan Gong asked Guan Zhong", "Fan Min", "Junzi", "Song of Qi Zhuang Marquis's invasion of Jin Dynasty", "Shu Yu Remongeying Jin Zhuang Pinggong" and so on; All kinds of sub-categories, including Stu Di, Hou Wen Yu Yuan Ming, Four Kings and Five Bullies, etc.; Ci Fu category, including "Cryptic Language", etc.; The number of techniques, including "Ninety-nine techniques" and "The Book of the Day"; Technical categories, including "Disease prescription" "Horse raising" and so on.

The archeologist is sorting the bamboo slips.

Qin Jiazui M1093 is the tomb with the largest number and characters of Chu slips unearthed in the Warring States period. The contents of Chu slips cover many fields such as the six arts, the Zhuzi, the Ci Fu, the number of techniques, and the techniques. It is a precious material for the study of the history, culture and thought of the pre-Qin period. In particular, the unearthed "Shangshu Lu Punishment" has great value for the collation of handed down documents, "Song of the invasion of Jin Dynasty by the Marquis of Qi" and "Shuyu Remonding of Pinggong of Jin Zhuang" enrich the details of historical figures and add new materials for historical research.

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