China and Russia are not aligned? What the Chinese are saying, Putin has understood, is that the more afraid the United States is, the more we have to do

The closer the Sino-Russian relationship is now, the more afraid the United States is, the Russian ambassador to China stressed that "Sino-Russian relations go beyond the traditional model of political and military alliance", and what about the non-alignment between China and Russia? On this point, China's intention is clear, and Putin also understands it.

Recently, has been working in China for more than a year, the Russian ambassador to China Morgulov in an interview with the media, once again on the Sino-Russian relations made a statement, Morgulov believes that the new era of China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is at an unprecedented high level, and constantly developing, China and Russia are both world powers, have a strong and is continuing to become stronger comprehensive national strength. There is huge potential in the economic and technological sectors.

At the same time, Morgulov also pointed out that the closer the relationship between China and Russia has attracted the attention of the international community, especially the Western countries led by the United States have the so-called "concern". For this reason, some US politicians have deliberately hyped China-Russia relations and concocted the so-called "China-Russia threat theory". For this "allergy" of Western countries, Morgulov believes that American politicians cooking up the so-called "China-Russia threat theory" are essentially unwilling to accept the established fact that their own hegemony has gradually declined, and this precisely shows that the close ties between China and Russia are extremely important for global and regional stability. In other words, the more America fears, the more we have to do it.

It should be pointed out that in recent years, as China-Russia relations have gotten closer and closer, American politicians have not only concocted the so-called "China-Russia threat theory", but also frequently hyped the topic of the so-called "China-Russia military alliance", labeled China and Russia as "Allies", and added some adjectives with ulterior motives, such as "authoritarian alliance" and "evil alliance". In this regard, Morgulov pointed out that "the relationship between China and Russia has gone beyond the traditional model of political and military alliance", "the West attempts to view our cooperation with Central Asian countries from the perspective of promoting anti-Russian and anti-China agendas, which is unacceptable."

As a matter of fact, China has already made a clear response to the issue of "China-Russia alliance of non-alignment", and Russian President Vladimir Putin is also very clear about this. Before that, the heads of state of China and Russia have repeatedly stressed that China-Russia relations are not aimed at any third party and China and Russia are not a political and military alliance. In November this year, when Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission Zhang Youxia visited Russia, Putin once again stressed during his meeting with Zhang Youxia that Russia and China have not established any military alliance following the Cold War model, and their cooperation is not directed against a third country, and the interaction between the two countries is an important factor in stabilizing the international situation

It should be emphasized that alliance refers to the establishment of long-term close military and political relations between two or more countries, and the mutual commitment of certain obligations, such as supporting Allies when they are threatened or violated. In essence, the country is deeply bound together. In this regard, some people may have doubts, that the current Sino-Russian relations are so good, and the two countries are suppressed by the United States at the same time, why are they non-aligned?

In response to such doubts, at least three reasons can be explained. First, it must be clear that "non-alignment" is one of the three core principles of China's diplomacy, the other two are "non-confrontation" and "not against any third country". Among these "three Nos" principles, "non-alignment" is the core and premise, which embodies independence and autonomy, and does not depend on or submit to others. The Treaty of Good-neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation signed in 2001 is a programmatic document guiding the development of China-Russia relations. It has been approved by the legislatures of China and Russia and has legal effect, and the "treaty" has established the nature of "non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting of any third country" for China-Russia relations.

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