Putin knows that times have changed and that Russia cannot afford to act like a big brother until it can settle its scores

Russia, aware that times have changed and it cannot play the big brother role, has actively adjusted its relations with Central Asian countries and sent friendly signals to them for common development.

Kazakhstan has long been known internationally as "President Putin's backyard," a designation that the Kremlin resents and refutes. Russia regards Kazakhstan as an important ally, stressing that bilateral relations are based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.

Kazakhstan is of great importance to Russia, both from a geopolitical point of view and from a cultural economic point of view. However, Central Asia is Russia's traditional sphere of influence, and Russia's expression of the Central Asian countries has caused a lot of controversy.

In its past Central Asia policy, Russia often lacked respect and took a tough stance toward Central Asian countries. Now, however, Russia has gradually realized the need for adjustment and has begun to send friendly signals to Kazakhstan.

This is not only an attitude adjustment for Kazakhstan, but also a gesture of attitude adjustment for all Central Asian countries. Russia is well aware that Central Asian criticism of its past speaks for other Central Asian countries that want more respect and cooperation.

In order to maintain the development of the alliance, Russia is actively adjusting its relations with Central Asian countries and respecting the feelings and opinions of Central Asian countries.

After all, only mutual respect and equal treatment can truly achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Russia is also maintaining a more open approach to its relations with China. Through cooperation with China, Russia hopes to maintain the balance of power and ensure overall security.

The end of Big brother is an important part of Russia's policy adjustment. Russia realizes that times are changing and that it can no longer treat Central Asian countries as big brother

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