
National Health Commission: No new viruses or bacteria have been found to cause new infectious diseases, and pediatric clinics will be promoted to open more noon, night and weekend clinics

On December 2, the NHC held a press conference to introduce the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter and answer questions from the media.

Mi Feng, spokesman for the NHC and deputy director of the Publicity Department, introduced at the press conference that at present, the NHC, together with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the National Disease Control Bureau, continue to carry out winter respiratory disease monitoring and research, and deploy medical resources, optimize medical procedures, and play the role of traditional Chinese medicine.

According to monitoring, the current epidemic of acute respiratory diseases are caused by known pathogens, and there are corresponding mature treatment methods, and no new infectious diseases caused by new viruses or bacteria have been found.

Mi Feng stressed that it is necessary to further increase the supply of medical services, promote the Chinese medicine hospital, maternal and child health care hospital and other medical institutions at all levels of pediatric outpatient should be fully open, according to the number of patients to open more noon, night and weekend outpatient, extend service hours, expand hospital beds, and constantly optimize the registration, inspection, payment and other procedures to facilitate the masses to seek medical treatment.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the supply and vaccination services of influenza and other vaccines, and the elderly and children and other key groups should be vaccinated as early as possible to reduce the risk of disease. It is very effective to wear masks, wash hands frequently and ventilate frequently to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.

The fact that influenza is in high season does not affect current vaccination
Is it still too late to get vaccinated?

Wang Dayan, director of the National Influenza Center of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that among the current circulating respiratory diseases, influenza, novel coronavirus and pneumococcal infection have corresponding types of vaccines. Influenza vaccines have been used in the world and China for decades, and scientific research and vaccination practice have fully proved that influenza vaccines are safe and effective, and they are also a mature vaccine. Influenza vaccination can effectively reduce infection, and even if infected, it can reduce the incidence of illness; Even if they do, they can reduce the severity of the disease.

"At this time of high flu season, influenza vaccination is still effective for people who have not previously received influenza vaccination, and it is recommended that people get vaccinated as early as possible." Wang Dayan especially stressed that for high-risk groups such as children, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases, the risk of severe illness after infection with influenza is higher, vaccination can effectively reduce the risk of development of severe illness and death, hope that everyone actively vaccinate.

National influenza vaccine batches issued by 2022

"The practice at home and abroad has proved that the use of vaccines is one of the most cost-effective means of prevention, vaccines are safe, as long as according to the requirements of professional institutions vaccination, can have a good effect, especially the elderly and children, should be actively vaccinated against influenza, so as to ensure a normal pace of life and learning." Wang Dayan said.

In view of the current monitoring of virus mutation, Wang Dayan said that influenza viruses are prone to mutation, more for professionals, and medical institutions have been carrying out mutation monitoring. For the general public, it only makes sense if there is a mutation of public health significance, which includes two aspects:

"On the one hand, we are concerned about the sensitivity of the virus to antiviral drugs, whether the virus has developed drug-resistant mutations. The National Influenza Center and several laboratories around the world have been monitoring the sensitivity of influenza viruses to anti-influenza drugs, and the monitoring results show that influenza viruses are sensitive to several current anti-influenza drugs, that is, anti-influenza drugs are effective against influenza viruses." Wang Dayan said.

On the other hand, it is necessary to observe the match between the circulating virus and the vaccine, that is, whether the virus has undergone antigenic changes. The composition of the influenza vaccine administered this winter has not changed compared with last winter, and the influenza A H3N2 subtype and influenza B viruses that are currently circulating are also consistent with the major branches circulating in most parts of the world. To this end, Wang Dayan advised high-risk groups, including the elderly, children and people working in public places, to get the flu vaccine every year to strengthen their own protection.

If the child is ill, do not flock to a third class hospital or specialist hospital for treatment
Recently, the number of children with respiratory diseases has increased significantly. In this regard, TCM hospitals at all levels have taken what effective measures to meet the needs of patients?

Liu Qingquan, president of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that every year in winter is the period of high incidence of respiratory infections, at this time, TCM hospitals at all levels will carry out various preparations around the arrival of the period of high incidence of respiratory infections.

The first is to collect the clinical characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine of patients with respiratory tract infections from all over the world, study and judge what the characteristics are this year, and then work out the plan and technology for each hospital to respond by combining the literature and previous research experience.

Second, quite a number of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals have begun to adjust the layout of the pediatric department, which may be small in the past, and now increase the area of the pediatric department, and then expand the duration of treatment, especially on weekends. There is also the introduction of the Internet pediatric clinic, which has met the medical demand to the maximum extent.

"After the children get sick, do not cluster together, do not go to the so-called three first-class hospitals, specialized hospitals, because this is a common disease, frequently-occurring, will happen repeatedly in the children every year, we go to different hospitals, can reduce the queue time, but also reduce cross infection, but also can get a very good feeling." Liu Qingquan stressed.

Third, each hospital according to the characteristics of children, because children take medicine, especially to eat Chinese medicine is very inconvenient, the taste is not good, it is very difficult to feed, each hospital pharmacist will find a way to take one side, the side allocation, made of thick decoction mixture, paste, plus different condiments, so that both in line with the characteristics of one side of Chinese medicine, but also in line with the characteristics of children's medication difficulties, At the same time, the situation of children's diseases can be adjusted in time.

Fourth, according to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, give play to the advantages of non-drug treatment, each hospital has launched some pediatric methods, such as massage methods, for fever, cough, sputum, diarrhea, hospitals at all levels, through the website to launch some standardized scientific videos to teach parents and guardians to use, Adjuvant treatment for children with respiratory infections will play a very good role.

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