Putin declared the "end" of Ukraine, the land of eastern Ukraine to Russia, and the countdown to the war between Russia and Ukraine

In his speech to Russians around the world, Putin emphasized the return of Russia's strong and historic regions, including Ancient Rus, the Principality of Moscow, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and the modern Russia that is returning. The "returning" region actually refers to the Crimean peninsula and the Donbas region, which are already under Russian control. Putin's speech not only showed the Russian people the victory and stabilized the people, but also announced the "death penalty" of Ukraine as a sovereign state.

The division of Ukraine is an irreversible fact. The Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses, was demoralized, and had no ability to regain lost ground. Eastern Ukraine had become an independent entity, and it was difficult for the Ukrainian army to hold only the Dnieper line. At the same time, the US presidential election in 2024 is approaching, the internal problems of European countries are frequent, and the Western countries are eager to stop the war as soon as possible, but at the same time, they are not willing to bow to Russia. They forced Ukraine to take the initiative by cutting aid to Ukraine, which also means that the war between Russia and Ukraine is coming to an end, and Ukraine will be divided into eastern and western parts.

The unfair causes of the war and Russia's path to victory
Although the conflict between Ukraine and Russia evolved from an internal Ukrainian issue, it was ultimately caused by the strategy of encircling and encroaching Russia by the United States and Europe. Ukraine was the victim of the war, and the Slavs in eastern Ukraine endured eight years of ethnic cleansing, leading to Russia's military intervention.

Although the Russian army had some flaws in the early days of the war, with the advance of the war and the improvement of technical means, the Russian army gradually gained the initiative. Especially after adjusting the objectives of the campaign and using new tactical means, the situation of the Russian army has been greatly improved. Putin's speech this time is actually to show the determination and strength of Russia to the Western countries, stabilize the people, but also to the history of a deal.

Russia's urging and Ukraine's dilemma
Putin's speech effectively declared Russia's victory in advance and sent a message urging the United States and the West to negotiate peace. At present, the United States and Western countries hope that the war will stop as soon as possible, but they are not willing to admit defeat, and can only force Ukraine to take the initiative to Sue for peace by reducing aid to Ukraine. The jockeying between the US and Russia has distorted the fate of Ukraine, which is now almost certain to be divided into east and west.

Zelensky's government is still hoping for help from the United States and Europe, but it is becoming increasingly clear that the Ukrainian army is no longer capable of retaking the territory it has lost. At a time when Ukraine's land and future became a bargaining chip in the game between the two great powers, Zelensky's government had to face the dilemma, accept reality and offer peace talks.

Putin's announcement of the "end" of Ukraine and the return of eastern Ukraine to Russia is a huge blow to Ukraine. The declaration of the return of the historic region to Russia not only shows the Russian people the success and stability of the people, but also sends a signal to the West and the Ukrainian government to press for peace talks.

The origins of the Russo-Ukrainian war can be traced back to the western strategy of encircling and encroachment on Russia, and the Slavs in eastern Ukraine became the victims of this war. Although Ukraine once looked to the United States and Europe for help, the loss and demoralization of Ukrainian troops can no longer reverse the course of the war. Ukraine has to face the reality, accept the fact that the eastern part of Ukraine has been lost, and take the initiative to seek reconciliation.

For Russia, the war proved its determination and strength, and Putin's speech was also an account at home and abroad, to prove to the Russian people and Slavic nations that they have lived up to expectations and assumed historical missions and responsibilities.

However, the division of Ukraine and the end of the war also meant that eastern Ukraine was completely lost, and the Ukrainian army was no longer able to take back these lands. The United States and Western countries also do not want to voluntarily concede defeat, but also want the war to stop as soon as possible, only by reducing aid to Ukraine to force the Zelensky government to take the initiative to negotiate. The land and future of the entire Ukraine have become the chips of the game between the United States and Russia, and Ukraine's predicament is inevitable.

Overall, Putin's speech announced the return of eastern Ukraine to Russia and meant the "death penalty" for Ukraine as a sovereign state. The Ukrainian army no longer has the ability to regain the lost land, and the division of Ukraine has become a fact. While Mr. Putin's speech signaled a rush for peace talks, Ukraine's woes remain and its future remains uncertain.

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