I just fall in love with dresses

Why do women love dresses?

No matter what kind of style you are, even if you only like T-shirts and jeans, there must be a place in your heart for a dress, why dresses can get so much love from women, do you know?

It's the only thing made for women.

Despite the fact that we've crammed men's clothes into our closets because of fashion trends, there's one item we've never tried to part with: the dress.

No matter how popular hoodies, jeans and blouses are, only dresses are made for women. A dress that makes you feel confident when you wear it is your "suit."

Sometimes simple beauty goes straight to the heart.

Some trends look lively, but they are not practical, and you need more of that simple look in life.

Don't worry about matching, a simple dress, wear a beautiful body.

Sometimes a dress can catch your eye without complicated decoration.

It is the earliest "dream" in a woman's heart.

Women always have a heart that loves to dream, and those dreams of childhood, as if there were a dress in the scene. So, a beautiful dress is the starting point of many women's "dreams".

When you were a child, you may also feel what beauty is for the first time because you looked at the dress in the window. When you grow up, many complexes may be diluted, but the memory of the dress is left.

Therefore, the dress is not only related to fashion, she also carries a woman's vision and imagination of "beautiful".

I'm afraid no dress is more like a dream.

If you ask which brand of dress is closest to the dream, the answer is Valentino!

Speaking of the impression of Valentino, please don't tell us that you only think about rivets. To wake up the beautiful dream in your heart is the best gift Valentino brings to women.

From the founder Mr. Valentino Garavani to the current creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli, Valentino has been doing, is the woman's inner romantic, beautiful imagination, a needle and line outline into clothing so that you can reach.

It has the most fantastic material.

If for you, "fairy dress" is still lace, tulle, silk, velvet, then you are really right! Every material you can think of that has something to do with dreams can be seen on Valentino dresses:

For example, this tulle dress, without telling any style and story, can evoke your most direct feeling - beauty.

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