Can't hold on? It was revealed that Germany pressured Ukraine to Sue for peace, and Russia opened the negotiating conditions to accept the territory occupied by Russia first

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has extended the wartime state of emergency because of tensions between Russia and Ukraine, and is facing pressure from inside and outside. First, the aid package in the U.S. Congress is being delayed, and the aid Ukraine needs may not arrive on time. Second, the "trucking movement" on the Polish-Ukrainian border has also put enormous pressure on Ukraine, with Polish farmers and transporters blocking border crossings and limiting the flow of cheap Ukrainian products into Europe. Ukraine's plight has intensified, forcing it to seek a solution.

Germany presses Ukraine for peace
The United States and Germany have agreed that Zelensky and Russia should reach a "peace agreement" as soon as possible. Such a deal could hinge on Ukraine meeting Russia's conditions. The British media "Times" broke the news that the US Congress has stuck its aid budget for Ukraine, and Germany is also "crying poor", claiming that it can not support military operations. This is seen as the preparation of public opinion that the United States and Germany are ready to cut off money and food to Ukraine.

Putin's terms of negotiation
Russia has set conditions for negotiations: they must be based on existing "territorial realities." This means that even if Russia is willing to negotiate, they will not give up occupied territory and may even ask for more. In addition, some countries in the European Union want to ease sanctions on Russia, trying to give Russia some economic sweeteners to calm the crisis in Ukraine.

Ukraine is in a dire situation
Ukraine faces serious challenges in the current situation. Limited by the uncertainty of aid, Ukraine will not be able to obtain the necessary resources to support, and people's lives will be greatly affected. Poland's blockade of Ukraine will further damage Ukraine's economy, and may even trigger border clashes, worsening relations between the two countries. Zelensky had to face the dilemma of how to protect the national interest under the pressure of virtue.

The challenge of making your own choices
For Ukraine, how to choose independently and protect its national interests under international pressure is a difficult task. In the face of Russian demands, how to balance its own interests and national security is a question that Ukraine needs to think hard about. At home, Zelensky also needs to face pressure from different factions and interests to stabilize the situation in the country and find solutions to ensure stable development of the country.

The situation in Ukraine is serious, and the country is under increasing international pressure, especially from Germany. As a neutral we-media editor, I am deeply concerned about the development of Ukraine and hope that Ukraine can find a solution to this crisis. No matter how the international situation changes, Ukraine needs to remain calm, rational and firm, stand its ground under external pressure and work for the interests of the country. At the same time, we also hope that the international community can respect Ukraine's independence and sovereignty so as to peacefully resolve disputes and contribute to regional stability and development.

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