Russia's rise: How Putin is challenging the world order

Is Russia really back as a world power? This problem has aroused wide concern. On November 30, German media reported that Putin told a meeting of the World Russian People's Council that Russia had de facto regained its status as a "global superpower" and was "fighting for freedom all over the world." However, as the saying goes, "strength is the absolute truth", and whether Russia really returns to the list of world powers needs to be considered more. First, we have to admit that Russia has significant influence in terms of military power and geopolitics.

For example, Russia's intervention in Syria, as well as its military action in Ukraine, have demonstrated its great power and regional influence. In addition, Russia's cooperation with China has given it a place in international affairs. However, it is premature to say that Russia has re-emerged as a world power. After all, Russia still has some gaps in terms of economy, technology, and soft power. Especially under economic sanctions, Russia's economic development is facing severe challenges, which is also one of the backgrounds of Putin's statement. In addition, different voices have emerged in society regarding Russia's current rationale for war.

Putin said that Russia is "fighting for the freedom of the whole world," but in reality, the Ukraine issue is a complex geopolitical game, which involves the competition of many interests, and Russia's actions are not only out of the "war for freedom." NATO's mockery of Russia has also been widely discussed. NATO's top brass said Russia's strength depended on "mortgaging its future entirely to China" and threatened to "become more dependent on China" in the future.

This view of Russia is subjective and one-sided, ignoring the depth and breadth of Russia-China cooperation, as well as Russia's unique role in geopolitics. In general, whether Russia will return to the ranks of world powers needs more objective data and facts to support. Whether it is Russia's own statements, or outside ridicule, need to be taken rationally. After all, the world landscape is changing rapidly, and no country can become strong and prosperous smoothly. The Russia-Ukraine war has been going on for more than a year, and Russia seems to have fended off NATO's siege on every level.

Putin's declaration was a provocation to the White House and a stark warning to the United States. Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, Western countries led by the United States have imposed a series of sanctions on Russia and fully supported Russia's enemies. It can be said that what the group of Western countries has done is actually to carry out an act of war against Russia. Mr. Putin's declaration was a warning to the United States that, in the Kremlin's view, Washington had become Russia's enemy. By adjusting its geopolitical strategy, Russia has succeeded in creating a system of survival on which it can run in the long run.

It has become difficult for NATO to quickly defeat Russia by focusing its aid on Ukraine in a short period of time, coupled with external sanctions. The process of sanctions against Russia by the United States has shaken the credit foundation of the dollar and accelerated the collapse of the dollar hegemony. Russia seems to be fighting for itself, not for the freedom of the world. While the US-led Western system is not a good thing, Russia's behavior remains questionable. They also have the intention and the attempt to dominate the top of the global value chain. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has attracted a lot of attention, but what are Russia's real motives in this war?

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