Medvedev warns that victory is not guaranteed, Russia could collapse

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation and chairman of the United Russia Party, wrote on social media that if the special military operation does not end in victory, Russia will be torn to pieces.

Medvedev commented on U.S. President Joe Biden's recent visit to Kiev and his speech in Warsaw. He noted that Biden had used a well-known expression in Warsaw: "If Russia had stopped invading, the war would be over now; If Ukrainians stop fighting for themselves, that will be the end of Ukraine." Medvedev called it an elaborate lie and said the truth was completely different.

He argued that if Russia were to end special military operations without victory, Russia would cease to exist, disintegrate and be torn to pieces. However, if the United States stopped supplying weapons to the Kiev regime in Ukraine, the war would end.

Medvedev also mentioned that Russia's decision to suspend its participation in the New START treaty was caused by the United States and NATO countries pushing Russia into war. He criticized the United States for trying to defeat Russia, limit and destroy it, while at the same time talking about strategic security, calling it a grave mistake by the Americans.

This remark has aroused public concern. Russia and the United States fight each other in the war of public opinion, often quoting Israeli politicians who once said: if the Arabs stop fighting, then the war will end; If the Jews stopped fighting, then Israel would not exist.

International military experts point out that the current conflict is tense and all sides are watching the development of special Russian military operations. Russia's attitude and position have attracted much attention, and Medvedev's statement is an important reference for the outside world. In the future, the direction of this conflict and the development of the situation are still uncertain and need to continue to pay attention.

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