To meet the dividend of the big model era, AI PC broke the game

Under the wave of AI, AI technology has entered the era of large models, and the industry is full of expectations and imagination for the wide application of large models. PC, as the ultimate carrier for AI to reach users, is also becoming an important breakthrough in the future application and landing of AI, and a new era of AI PC is ready to emerge.

On December 7, at the first AI PC industry Innovation Forum with the theme of "AI New Ecology, Wisdom and New Year", Lenovo Group gathered AI PC and launched the "AI PC Pioneer Activity" to accelerate the implementation of AI PC. More noteworthy is that Lenovo Group also released the industry's first "AI PC Industry (China) White Paper" (hereinafter referred to as the "White Paper") together with IDC, in-depth elaboration of the innovative technology and ecological landscape of AI PC.

Since the beginning of this year, generative AI and large models have developed in leaps and bounds, profoundly changing the way people live and work. But the general concern of the industry is how to let everyone enjoy the exclusive extension of AI capabilities in the era of large models? How can each enterprise achieve transformative growth and obtain AI dividends in the era of large models?

PC equipment as the core of the bearer technology, through the combination of AI, or will be the key to solving problems in the industry. According to the "White Paper" released by IDC and Lenovo Group, AI PC is a personal AI assistant tailored for everyone, which can help users improve production efficiency, simplify work processes, and generate customized solutions based on user personal data, ensuring data and privacy security while more tailored to user needs. According to the White Paper, AI PCS have five core features: personal agents with natural language interaction, embedded human models, standard local hybrid AI computing power, connected and open AI application ecology, and device-level personal data & privacy security protection.

At present, the development of AI large models is mainly carried out from the cloud, and as users call AI capabilities and large models more and more frequently, relying only on the cloud to provide the corresponding capabilities becomes expensive, complex and insecure. The industry believes that the computing load of large models will continue to sink from the cloud to the terminal, promoting the mixed use of public large models and local large models to form individual large models, and with the increase in the frequency of AI applications used by users, the degree of dependence on individual large models will also be increasing.

Under the development trend of individual large scale model, AI PC can help individuals expand the boundaries of AI capabilities, and it is more inevitable that it takes the lead in causing changes. The White Paper pointed out that the individual large scale model will rely on a hybrid AI approach to gradually achieve inclusive benefits. Under the requirements of the individual large scale model, the PC will become the ideal platform for carrying the large model with its powerful computing and storage capabilities, as well as rich interaction methods and a wide range of application scenarios, that is to say, the AI PC will become the preferred terminal to achieve AI inclusive.

As PCS evolve to AI PCS, PC vendor value will also be restructured. Lenovo Group vice president, China's vice president of strategy and business development Abrikmu Alamiti (Amu) said that standing in the terminal industry, AI PC will make the terminal manufacturers will return to the industrial ecological center, leading the entire industry to continue to innovate and upgrade.

Specifically, the AI PC will not only be a hardware device, but a mixture of AI models and applications as well as hardware devices. Compared with the traditional PC industry ecology based on the operating system, the AI PC industry ecology takes the personal agent based on natural language interaction as the first entrance, and completes the tasks proposed by the client through the support of the large model and application ecology.

In the AI PC ecosystem, participants such as terminal manufacturers, AI native application manufacturers, large model technology manufacturers and computing power manufacturers will be mainly involved. Amu said that AI PC terminal manufacturers will promote the interoperability between models and applications by formulating and releasing interface standards. At the same time, in the protection of personal privacy and data security, terminal manufacturers will cooperate with application and model manufacturers to jointly develop data use and storage specifications. Based on the ability to effectively integrate upstream and downstream resources, AI PC terminal manufacturers that provide complete intelligent services will be the core hub of the entire industry.

At present, the traditional hardware industry represented by PC is getting tired, and the industry development or has entered the stock market. Southwest Securities (4.220, 0.04, 0.96%) research report said that the PC industry after more than 30 years of development, the formation of desktop PC to laptop and then to tablet computer changes, the penetration rate has been close to the ceiling, the current PC as a whole lack of enough innovation, people's demand for traditional PC more natural replacement cycle.

However, under the ability of AI, the innovative terminal represented by AI PC will drive the PC market into a new round of growth. In general, new supply will create new demand, and AI PCS will be expected to achieve rapid growth in the future through unique advantages. IDC predicts that the proportion of AI PCS (excluding AI tablets) in the Chinese PC market will climb rapidly in the next few years and reach 85% in 2027, becoming the mainstream of the PC market.

The growth of the PC market mainly comes from the support of both consumer and commercial markets. Among them, in the personal consumption market, AI PC will shorten the user replacement cycle and accelerate the arrival of the replacement tide. IDC predicts that driven by AI PCS, the penetration rate of PCS in residential households in China's consumer market will break through the bottleneck period and achieve sustained growth.

In the commercial market, small and medium-sized enterprises will use AI PCS to accelerate intelligent transformation, optimize customer experience, and improve operational efficiency, IDC said that the proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises to AI PC new machine assembly will reach 88% in 2027; The proportion of large enterprises assembling new machines for AI PCS will reach 74% in 2027, of which large enterprises in the fields of IT, Internet, finance and professional services will take the lead in introducing AI PCS.

The current PC market is in the recovery cycle, IDC data show that in the third quarter of this year, the world's major PC manufacturers are showing varying degrees of recovery. Among them, Lenovo Group shipped 16 million units, an increase of 12.68%, and its market share remained the first in the world.

Under the huge market prospects brought by the market recovery and AI PC, the relevant investment opportunities are worthy of attention. Fang Jing, chief analyst of the electronics industry at Minsheng Securities, said that the current PC market has ended its inventory, the market has begun to recover, and the AI terminal that has been intensively landed will be activated on the demand side, and a new round of the PC cycle has come, and AI has brought huge investment opportunities.

Based on the consensus of AI PC to meet the large-scale popularization and long-term development potential of AI, the world's major machine manufacturers have increased AI PC products, and from the point of view of the time node, 2024 will become the first year of China's AI PC. Among them, Lenovo Group's front-layout AI PC has obvious first-mover advantages.

At present, Lenovo Group is fully promoting the transformation of traditional PC to AI PC, and under the power of large model compression technology, artificial intelligence Twin (AI Twin), promote AI PC to become a new hybrid of "computing power + individual human model +AI application". In addition, Lenovo Group, as a partner of Intel, is working together to advance the development and innovation of AI experiences based on Intel's upcoming Meteor Lake processor.

As the promoter and leader of AI PC, Lenovo Group also launched the "AI PC Pioneer Action", and launched the "AI PC ecological developer Plan" to AI ecological developers, and launched the "AI PC Content creative Contest" to AI content creators, in order to jointly honor the AI PC ecology and accelerate the early arrival of AI PC.

Standing at the starting point of the AI PC era, a new future full of infinite possibilities and opportunities is coming. Lenovo Group, as a leader in the global PC industry, is taking a leading role in actively promoting AI inclusive benefits and accelerating the landing of AI PCS. In this process, Lenovo Group will also benefit from AI dividends and usher in a new round of growth.

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