Hamas is bringing down Biden. Looks like they're behind it

Hamas brought down Biden, it seems there is someone behind it!

In the early hours of November 22, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Israel reached a temporary ceasefire agreement, and the two sides conducted a third round of detainee exchanges.

Hamas displayed remarkable diplomacy in the exchange.

The 150 people who were exchanged by Hamas were all women and children, most of them under the age of 18. Not the backbone of Hamas as everyone thinks.

This really shocked the world, the image of Hamas has risen!

The United States and Israel say that Hamas is a terrorist, but what they now show the world is that in their eyes, children are even more important than their own backbone, and the priority is to rescue children.

That's a brilliant move!

Will the world still believe what the United States and Israel say? In Israel's eyes, Hamas is a vicious terrorist, but Hamas's actions have shattered Israeli propaganda and changed its image in the eyes of the world.

In addition, the 50 hostages handed over by Hamas this time include citizens of various countries, but a remarkable detail is that none of them are Americans, which makes Biden uncomfortable!

Earlier, US President Joe Biden also called on Hamas to release the American hostages as soon as possible.

That poses a problem for Mr. Biden. Hamas's failure to release any Americans in the temporary cease-fire appears to be a sign of dissatisfaction with the United States' position in the conflict.

In this case, how Biden should weigh domestic and foreign factors to create favorable conditions for the release of American personnel has become a difficult problem for Biden.

On the contrary, Hamas is very friendly to China and Russia!

Since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Hamas's friendship to the Chinese has long been reflected, and the Chinese have withdrawn from Israel, and Hamas has given good cooperation.

For Russia, Hamas did not take the hostage exchange route, and directly reached an agreement with Russia to release. Not using the Russians as leverage with Israel.

It is obvious that Hamas is trying to woo China and Russia and target the United States, which supports Israel.

Hamas is showing such sophistication, it seems that there are people behind it!

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