The representative of China briefed UN member States on China's rotating presidency of the Security Council

China holds the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council for November. On November 30, Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of China to the UN, chaired a summing-up meeting at which the Permanent Representatives of Malta and Mozambique were invited to brief UN Member States on the work of the Security Council this month. More than 100 countries were represented.

Zhang Jun said that assuming the rotating presidency is a heavy responsibility. China, with a responsible and constructive attitude, works with members of the Security Council and other member states to focus on key issues, enhance unity and cooperation, maintain fairness and openness, be proactive and make every effort to fulfill its duties and promote the Security Council to play its due role. This month, the Security Council held more than 30 meetings and adopted seven resolutions. These achievements have not come easily under the current circumstances.

Zhang Jun said that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the most urgent agenda of the Security Council this month. On the Palestinian-Israeli issue, China always stands on the side of peace, justice and conscience, and actively encourages the Security Council to take responsible and meaningful actions. China worked with members of the Security Council to push for the adoption of resolution 2712. This is the first Security Council resolution on the Palestinian-Israeli issue since the end of 2016, and the first Security Council resolution since the outbreak of a new round of conflict between Palestine and Israel on October 7. On November 29, Foreign Minister Wang Yi chaired the Security Council High-Level Meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, elaborating on China's position and proposition in a comprehensive manner and pushing all parties to build consensus and pool synergy towards the direction of rebuilding peace.

Zhang Jun said that at China's initiative, the Security Council held an open debate on the theme "Common Development for Lasting Peace" on November 20. This meeting further deepened the understanding of all parties on promoting development for peace and reached a lot of consensus.

Representatives of Malta, Mozambique, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Russia, Pakistan, Turkey, Syria and other countries congratulated China on the full success of the President's Month, expressed admiration for China's just position and constructive role in addressing the Palestinian-Israeli situation and other issues, and appreciated China's inclusive, transparent, pragmatic and efficient working methods. He highly recognized China's important contribution to strengthening the work of the Security Council and maintaining international peace and security.

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