TikTok should be 'banned from monetizing' in US unless China hands over algorithm

The new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has once again brought the historical grievances behind it to the attention of the world. Young generations in the United States are showing their sympathy and support for the Palestinian people on social media such as TikTok, which has once again given some pro-Israel American politicians a reason to hype up the so-called TikTok "threat theory".

According to the US consumer news and business channel (CNBC) reported on November 29 local time, the well-known US anti-China senator, Florida Republican Marco Rubio (Marco Rubio), threatened that unless the Chinese government "hands over" the TikTok algorithm, the social media giant should be "banned from cash" in the United States.

According to the report, Rubio made the remarks at the CNBC CFO Council Summit on the 29th. "It's not a question of banning, it's a question of making [TikTok] unmonetised," he argues. However, CNBC pointed out that Rubio has previously said that making TikTok unable to monetize is tantamount to banning TikTok, and he also proposed relevant legislation last year.

In December, the United States ordered a ban on the installation and use of TikTok on government networks and devices, and Rubio's bill introduced in February this year seeks to ban financial transactions from countries such as China and Russia or social media companies that are "affected by them." Rubio claimed on the 29th that these transaction blocks should remain in place "unless [China] intends to move algorithms to the United States."

"Which companies in the world will benefit from this algorithm in the long run?" At the meeting, Rubio "lobbied" the chief financial officers present, "it will not be American companies." This algorithm will understand our market and our consumers better than our company."

In addition, Rubio also tried to use his speech to play up the risk of conflict in the Taiwan Strait. "What happens in times of real conflict?" "What happens when you work to push not just the message, but to manipulate the algorithm, for example, to convince the Americans that Taiwan is not worth fighting for?"

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