What are some examples of technology changing lives?

Examples of technology changing lives are: driverless cars, wearable fitness trackers, online payments, smartphones, social networks, 3D printing, motion sensing, drones, and more.

Driverless cars will change the way people travel.

In California, it is not uncommon to see Google testing driverless cars. They may not reach the market until 2018.

Google estimates that driverless cars could cut in half the 1.2 million people killed in traffic accidents each year. Whether society is ready for the product remains to be seen.

However, driverless cars will certainly be an option for people, and big car manufacturers such as Toyota and Audi are also developing their own driverless cars.

Wearable fitness trackers are turning people into maintenance junkies.

With Nike FuelBand, Fitbit, ZEO and other apps and services, people are generating more and more data in their daily lives.

Those devices can help track calories burned, count steps and even track the quality of our sleep.

These devices are all part of the "quantified self" movement, which aims to use various data about people to tell them things about their bodies and physiology that aren't obvious.

Mobile phone is undoubtedly the fastest and most widely used invention in history, which has completely changed the way of human communication. No matter how far the distance is, it can realize the communication between people. The speed of information transmission is faster than any other way, and the communication realizes zero distance and is more time-efficient, which also increases the feelings between people in the two places.

The invention of computer has changed the way of working in various fields, and now children begin to use computer. Computer is also considered as one of the most advanced scientific inventions in the 20th century, and its emergence is of great significance for accelerating the development of science and technology of the whole human being. More importantly, computers have not stopped their own development, and continue to help human beings explore the unknown.

Although humans have long been looking for ways to fly in the sky, it was not until more than a hundred years ago that airplanes were built and sustained and controlled flight was realized, which also laid the foundation for modern aeronautical engineering, which facilitated travel, shortened the distance between two places, and facilitated cultural exchange and economic development. Even today, with the development of various means of transportation, Aircraft remain the most efficient means of transport over long and medium distances.

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