Strengthen international cooperation on the ethical governance of embodied intelligence

From the "government, industry, university and research fund" all-round coordination, layout of a new intelligent circuit. Encourage the participation of the government, industry, institutions, finance and users,

establish new research and development institutions and innovation consortions, and build a diversified and sustainable mechanism for the coordinated development of embodied intelligence basic research and industrialization.

Promote the construction of standardization and the formulation of technical specifications, promote the coordinated development of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, build an embodied intelligent industry ecology, and comprehensively enhance the international competitiveness of China's embodied intelligence.

Strengthen international cooperation on the ethical governance of embodied intelligence, and promote the formation of an international consensus on the further benefit of embodied intelligence to human society. We will explore ethical,

legal, and security issues related to embodied intelligence, conduct multi-dimensional dialogues covering scientific research, technology application, policy formulation, etc.,

and enhance popularization and publicity of embodied intelligence, so as to promote the healthy development of large-scale embodied intelligence.We will vigorously promote the spirit of scientists

Without the spirit of a scientist who can stand up, it is difficult to have tenable scientific and technological achievements. Only by vigorously promoting the spirit of scientists can the majority of scientific and technological workers shoulder the heavy responsibility of scientific and technological innovation entrusted by history, and bravely become the vanguard of self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology

May 30 this year is the eighth "National Science and Technology Workers Day", the theme of the activity is "carry forward the spirit of scientists, brave to be the vanguard of high-level science and technology self-reliance."

"In the new era, it is more necessary to inherit and carry forward the spirit of patriotism that takes the destiny of the country and the nation as its own responsibility, and it is more necessary to continue to carry forward the spirit of scientists with patriotism as the background",

encouraging the majority of scientific and technological workers to "vigorously carry forward the spirit of scientists, bravely climb the world's scientific and technological peaks, and achieve and lead in some fields."

To make new and greater contributions to accelerating the construction of a powerful country in science and technology and realizing self-reliance in science and technology."

Scientific achievements cannot be separated from spiritual support. Since the founding of New China, the historic achievement of our country's science and technology is the result of a generation of dedicated scientists continuing and continuing their struggle.

Scientists such as Li Siguang, Qian Xuesen, Chen Jingrun, Huang Danian, and Nan Rendong have not only made significant contributions to the motherland and the people in history, but also created a unique spiritual temperament and accumulated valuable spiritual wealth in long-term scientific practice.

With the development of The Times and the progress of society, the scientist spirit with patriotism, innovation, truth-seeking, dedication, collaboration and education as the core is ever new and inspiring.

The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. Global scientific and technological innovation has entered a period of intensive activity. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has exerted a profound impact on the global economic structure.

The development of China's "14th Five-Year Plan" period and longer period has put forward more urgent requirements for accelerating scientific and technological innovation.

Without the spirit of a scientist who can stand up, it is difficult to have tenable scientific and technological achievements. Only by vigorously promoting the spirit of scientists can the majority of scientific and technological workers shoulder the heavy responsibility of scientific and technological innovation entrusted by history, and bravely become the vanguard of self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology.

To vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, we must first cultivate patriotic feelings. Science knows no borders, scientists have a motherland. Patriotism is the first essence of the scientist's spirit.

Chinese scientists have always had a fine tradition of patriotism, and the older generation of scientists want to think about the country and worry about the country's urgent needs, contributing wisdom and hard work to promote national development.

The majority of scientific and technological workers should inherit and carry forward the excellent quality of the older generation of scientists, always bear in mind the "great of the country", uphold the interests of the country and the people's interests first, and integrate their scientific pursuit into the great cause of building a modern socialist country.

Vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, we must firmly climb the peak of science and technology aspirations. The consciousness of active innovation is the inner driving force of scientific and technological innovation,and also the premise of creativity.

As China's scientific and technological innovation continues to deepen, it is more necessary for the majority of scientific and technological workers to adhere to the "four aspects", actively carry out original and leading scientific and technological research, work hard on the original and unique, strengthen their role in solving key core technology problems, and produce more "from 0 to 1" results.

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